LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, ec.message());
return NULL;
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
Binary * op = retval.get();
- if (!op) {
- LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "Could not open " << filename);
- return NULL;
- }
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ OwningBinary<Binary> ob;
+ ob = std::move(retval.get());
+ Binary* op = ob.getBinary();
+ auto foo = ob.takeBinary();
+ foo.first.release();
+ foo.second.release();
// ELFType<endian, maxalign, 64bit>
if (ELF32LEObjectFile * object = dyn_cast<ELF32LEObjectFile>(op)) {
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ OwningBinary<Binary> ob;
+ ob = std::move(result.get());
+ Binary* op = ob.getBinary();
+ binary.reset(op);
o = dyn_cast<ObjectFile>(binary.get());
} else {
- std::unique_ptr<MCObjectDisassembler> OD(
- new MCObjectDisassembler(*o, *DisAsm, *MIA));
+// std::unique_ptr<MCObjectDisassembler> OD(
+// new MCObjectDisassembler(*o, *DisAsm, *MIA));
Function * function;
SectionRef text_section = getTextSection();
uint64_t base_address, size;
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ base_address = text_section.getAddress();
+ size = text_section.getSize();
if (address < base_address ||
address >= base_address + size) {
return NULL;
SectionRef text_section = getTextSection();
StringRef bytes;
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
StringRefMemoryObject ref(bytes);
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ ArrayRef<uint8_t> bytearray(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(bytes.data()),
+ bytes.size());
+#error LLVM != 3.5 | 3.6 not supported
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "Handling function " << function->getName());
uint64_t base_address, size;
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ base_address = text_section.getAddress();
+ size = text_section.getSize();
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "Text section at " << std::hex << base_address << " with size " << size);
while (remaining_blocks.size()) {
llvm::raw_string_ostream s(buf);
if(llvm::MCDisassembler::Success ==
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
DisAsm->getInstruction(inst, inst_size, ref, current_address, nulls(), nulls())) {
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ DisAsm->getInstruction(inst, inst_size,
+ bytearray.slice(current_address),
+ base_address + current_address,
+ nulls(), nulls())) {
uint64_t jmptarget;
if (MIA->evaluateBranch(inst, current_address, inst_size, jmptarget)) {
bool contains;
SymbolRef::Type symbol_type;
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
if (text_section.containsSymbol(x->second, contains) || !contains)
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ if (text_section.containsSymbol(x->second))
if (x->second.getType(symbol_type)
if (!manager->hasFunctions()) {
uint64_t text_entry;
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ text_entry = text_section.getAddress();
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, "No Symbols found, starting at the beginning of the text segment");
SectionRef text_section = getTextSection();
StringRef bytes;
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
StringRefMemoryObject ref(bytes);
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ ArrayRef<uint8_t> bytearray(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(bytes.data()),
+ bytes.size());
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "Splitting Blocks in Function " << function->getName());
// Split blocks where jumps are going inside the block
uint64_t inst_size;
uint64_t base_address;
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ base_address = text_section.getAddress();
uint64_t current_address = current_block->getStartAddress() - base_address;
while(current_block->getEndAddress() - base_address > current_address) {
MCInst inst;
llvm::raw_string_ostream s(buf);
if(llvm::MCDisassembler::Success ==
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
DisAsm->getInstruction(inst, inst_size, ref, current_address, nulls(), nulls())) {
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ DisAsm->getInstruction(inst, inst_size,
+ bytearray.slice(current_address),
+ base_address + current_address,
+ nulls(), nulls())) {
// See if some other block starts here
BasicBlock* other = manager->getBasicBlock(current_address
+ inst_size
std::vector<Instruction> result;
SectionRef text_section = getTextSection();
uint64_t base_address;
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ base_address = text_section.getAddress();
uint64_t current_address = block->getStartAddress() - base_address;
uint64_t end_position = block->getEndAddress() - base_address;
StringRef bytes;
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
StringRefMemoryObject ref(bytes);
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ ArrayRef<uint8_t> bytearray(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(bytes.data()),
+ bytes.size());
while (current_address < end_position) {
uint64_t inst_size;
llvm::raw_string_ostream s(buf);
if(llvm::MCDisassembler::Success ==
- DisAsm->getInstruction(inst, inst_size, ref, current_address, nulls(), nulls())) {
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
+ DisAsm->getInstruction(inst, inst_size, ref, current_address, nulls(), nulls())) {
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ DisAsm->getInstruction(inst, inst_size,
+ bytearray.slice(current_address),
+ base_address + current_address,
+ nulls(), nulls())) {
uint8_t bytes[inst_size+2];
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
ref.readBytes(current_address, inst_size, bytes);
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ size_t bytesindex(0);
+ for (uint8_t byte : bytearray.slice(current_address, inst_size)) {
+ bytes[bytesindex++] = byte;
+ }
uint64_t jmptarget;
std::string ref("");
} else {
LOG4CXX_WARN(logger, "Invalid byte at" << std::hex << current_address + base_address);
uint8_t bytes[1];
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
ref.readBytes(current_address, 1, bytes);
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ bytes[0] = bytearray[current_address];
result.push_back(Instruction(current_address + base_address, "Invalid Instruction",
std::vector<uint8_t>(bytes, bytes+1), ""));
inst_size = 1;
const std::string&)> fun) {
SectionRef text_section = getTextSection();
uint64_t base_address;
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ base_address = text_section.getAddress();
uint64_t current_address = start - base_address;
StringRef bytes;
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
StringRefMemoryObject ref(bytes);
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ ArrayRef<uint8_t> bytearray(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(bytes.data()),
+ bytes.size());
while (current_address < end - base_address) {
uint64_t inst_size;
llvm::raw_string_ostream s(buf);
if(llvm::MCDisassembler::Success ==
- DisAsm->getInstruction(inst, inst_size, ref, current_address, nulls(), nulls())) {
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
+ DisAsm->getInstruction(inst, inst_size, ref, current_address, nulls(), nulls())) {
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ DisAsm->getInstruction(inst, inst_size,
+ bytearray.slice(current_address),
+ base_address + current_address,
+ nulls(), nulls())) {
uint8_t bytes[inst_size+2];
+#if defined(LLVM_35)
ref.readBytes(current_address, inst_size, bytes);
+#elif defined(LLVM_36)
+ size_t bytesindex(0);
+ for (uint8_t byte : bytearray.slice(current_address, inst_size)) {
+ bytes[bytesindex++] = byte;
+ }
uint64_t jmptarget;
std::string ref("");