--- /dev/null
+The APIs for the individual programming languages all derive from the
+C++ structure of ``src/core`` adapted to the native spelling of the
+respective programming language. As an example, all from within guile
+all methods are available as ``classname-functionname`` with
+name-components separated by dashes instead of CamelCase.
+.. cpp:class:: Function
+ Represents a function in the binary. Functions are typically the
+ target of ``call`` instructions and are composed of
+ :cpp:class:`BasicBlock`
+.. cpp:function:: std::string Function::getName() const
+ Returns the Name of the function
+.. cpp:function:: void Function::setName(const std::string& new_name)
+ Updates the Name of the Function. Also takes care to notify all
+ consumers of the changed name so the new name is displayed
+ consistently
+.. cpp:function:: bool Function::isDynamic() const
+ Returns whether the Function is of the dynamic type. Dynamic
+ functions are the ones which are imported from shared libraries and
+ not structly part of the binary at hand.
+.. cpp:function:: uint64_t Function::getStartAddress() const
+.. cpp:function:: InformationManager* Function::getManager() const
+.. cpp:function:: void Function::addBasicBlock(BasicBlock* block)
+.. cpp:function:: const std::map<uint64_t, BasicBlock*>& Function::blocks()
+.. cpp:class:: BasicBlock
+.. cpp:function:: uint64_t BasicBlock::getStartAddress() const
+.. cpp:function:: uint64_t BasicBlock::getEndAddress() const
+.. cpp:function:: void BasicBlock::setStartAddress(uint64_t address)
+.. cpp:function:: void BasicBlock::setEndAddress(uint64_t address)
+.. cpp:function:: InformationManager* BasicBlock::getManager() const
+.. cpp:function:: uint64_t BasicBlock::getNextBlock(size_t index) const
+.. cpp:function:: void BasicBlock::setNextBlock(size_t index, uint64_t address)
+.. cpp:function:: std::string BasicBlock::getName() const
+.. cpp:function:: std::vector<Instruction> BasicBlock::getInstructions() const
+.. cpp:class:: Comment
+.. cpp:function:: bool Comment::isLocal() const
+ Comments, which are valid for every instance of an address are
+ considered *global* while comments only valid within the
+ context of the current function are considered *local*
+.. cpp:function:: void Comment::setText(const std::string& text)
+ Updates the text of an comment and takes care of notifying all
+ consumers of the change.
+.. cpp:function:: std::string Comment::getText() const
+ Returns the current text of the comment without any :doc:`macros` expanded.
+.. cpp:function:: uint64_t Comment::getAddress()
+ Returns address this comment talks about
+.. cpp:function:: Function* Comment::getLocation()
+ Returns the function, the comment talks about, or NULL if the
+ function is local