+from datetime import datetime
+import logging
+from ssl import cert_time_to_seconds
from pyasn1_modules import rfc2459
from pyasn1.codec.der import decoder, encoder
+def verify_certificate(cert, args):
+ expiretimestamp = cert_time_to_seconds(cert['notAfter'])
+ starttimestamp = cert_time_to_seconds(cert['notBefore'])
+ if datetime.utcfromtimestamp(starttimestamp) > datetime.utcnow():
+ logging.error("Certificate will only be valid starting %s", cert['notBefore'])
+ return 2
+ if datetime.utcfromtimestamp(expiretimestamp) < datetime.utcnow():
+ logging.error("Certificate will only be valid until %s", cert['notAfter'])
+ return 2
+ delta = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(expiretimestamp) - datetime.utcnow()
+ deltastr = str(delta).split(",")
+ if delta.days < args.critdays:
+ logging.error("expires in %8s,%16s", deltastr[0], deltastr[1])
+ return 2
+ elif delta.days < args.warndays:
+ logging.warn("expires in %8s,%16s", deltastr[0], deltastr[1])
+ return 1
+ return 0
def get_spki(certificate):
cert = decoder.decode(certificate, asn1Spec=rfc2459.Certificate())[0]
spki = cert['tbsCertificate']["subjectPublicKeyInfo"]
return encoder.encode(spki)
+def add_certificate_options(argparser):
+ argparser.add_argument("--warndays", type=int, default=-1,
+ help="Days before certificate expiration to warn")
+ argparser.add_argument("--critdays", type=int, default=-1,
+ help="Days before certificate expiration to raise error")
from unbound import ub_ctx, idn2dname, ub_strerror
from check_dane.tlsa import verify_tlsa_record
+from check_dane.cert import verify_certificate, add_certificate_options
def init_connection(sslcontext, args):
host = args.Host
group.add_argument("-4", "--4", action="store_true", help="check via IPv4 only")
group.add_argument("--64", action="store_false", help="check via IPv4 and IPv6 (default)")
+ add_certificate_options(parser)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
logging.error("Connection refused")
return 2
- retval = verify_tlsa_record(resolver, "_%d._tcp.%s" % (port, host), connection.getpeercert(binary_form=True))
+ retval = verify_certificate(connection.getpeercert(), args)
+ nretval = verify_tlsa_record(resolver, "_%d._tcp.%s" % (port, host), connection.getpeercert(binary_form=True))
+ retval = max(retval, nretval)
return retval