--- /dev/null
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from unbound import ub_ctx
+from socket import socket, AF_INET6, AF_INET
+from ssl import SSLContext, PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2, CERT_REQUIRED
+from check_dane.cert import verify_certificate, add_certificate_options
+from check_dane.tlsa import get_tlsa_records, match_tlsa_records
+class DaneWarning:
+ pass
+class DaneError:
+ pass
+class DaneChecker:
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def _init_connection(self):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def _close_connection(self):
+ pass
+ @property
+ @abstractmethod
+ def port(self):
+ pass
+ def _gather_certificates(self):
+ retval = 0
+ certificates = set()
+ for afamily in self._afamilies:
+ try:
+ connection = self._init_connection(afamily, self._host, self.port)
+ except ConnectionRefusedError:
+ logging.error("Connection refused")
+ return 2
+ nretval = verify_certificate(connection.getpeercert(), self._args)
+ retval = max(retval, nretval)
+ certificates.add(connection.getpeercert(binary_form=True))
+ self._close_connection(connection)
+ return certificates
+ def _gather_records(self):
+ return get_tlsa_records(self._resolver, "_%d._tcp.%s" % (self.port, self._host))
+ def generate_menu(self, argparser):
+ argparser.add_argument("Host")
+ argparser.add_argument("--check-dane",
+ action="store_false",
+ help="Verify presented certificate via DANE (default: enabled)")
+ argparser.add_argument("--check-ca",
+ action="store_false",
+ help="Verify presented certificate via the CA system (default: enabled)")
+ argparser.add_argument("--check-expire",
+ action="store_false",
+ help="Verify presented certificate for expiration (default: enabled)")
+ argparser.add_argument("-a", "--ancor",
+ action="store", type=str, default="/usr/share/dns/root.key",
+ help="DNSSEC root ancor")
+ argparser.add_argument("--castore", action="store", type=str,
+ default="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt",
+ help="ca certificate bundle")
+ group = argparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ group.add_argument("-6", "--6", action="store_true", dest="use6", help="check via IPv6 only")
+ group.add_argument("-4", "--4", action="store_true", dest="use4", help="check via IPv4 only")
+ def set_args(self, args):
+ self._args = args
+ resolver = ub_ctx()
+ resolver.add_ta_file(args.ancor)
+ self._resolver = resolver
+ if args.use6:
+ self._afamilies = [AF_INET6]
+ elif args.use4:
+ self._afamilies = [AF_INET]
+ else:
+ self._afamilies = [AF_INET, AF_INET6]
+ self._host = args.Host.encode('idna').decode()
+ def check(self):
+ records = self._gather_records()
+ certificates = self._gather_certificates()
+ return match_tlsa_records(records, certificates)
--- /dev/null
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import argparse
+import logging
+from socket import socket
+from check_dane.tlsa import get_tlsa_records, match_tlsa_records
+from check_dane.cert import verify_certificate, add_certificate_options
+from check_dane.abstract import DaneChecker
+from ssl import SSLContext, PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2, CERT_REQUIRED
+class HttpsDaneChecker(DaneChecker):
+ def _init_connection(self, family, host, port):
+ connection = self._sslcontext.wrap_socket(socket(family),
+ server_hostname=host)
+ connection.connect((host, port))
+ connection.send(b"HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n" % host.encode())
+ answer = connection.recv(512)
+ logging.debug(answer)
+ return connection
+ @property
+ def port(self):
+ return 443
+ def _close_connection(self, connection):
+ connection.close()
+ def __init__(self):
+ DaneChecker.__init__(self)
+ def set_args(self, args):
+ DaneChecker.set_args(self, args)
+ sslcontext = SSLContext(PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)
+ sslcontext.verify_mode = CERT_REQUIRED
+ sslcontext.load_verify_locations(args.castore)
+ self._sslcontext = sslcontext
+ def generate_menu(self, argparser):
+ DaneChecker.generate_menu(self, argparser)
+ argparser.add_argument("-p", "--port",
+ action="store", type=int, default=443,
+ help="HTTPS port")
+def main():
+ logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)5s %(message)s')
+ checker = HttpsDaneChecker()
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("--quiet", action="store_true")
+ checker.generate_menu(parser)
+ add_certificate_options(parser)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ checker.set_args(args)
+ if args.verbose:
+ logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ elif args.quiet:
+ logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+ else:
+ logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ return checker.check()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ sys.exit(main())
except ImportError:
+class TLSARecord:
+ """Class representing a TLSA record"""
+ def __init__(self, usage, selector, matching, payload):
+ self._usage = usage
+ self._selector = selector
+ self._matching = matching
+ self._payload = payload
+ def match(self, certificate):
+ """Returns true if the certificate is covered by this TLSA record"""
+ if self._selector == 0:
+ verifieddata = certificate
+ elif self._selector == 1:
+ verifieddata = get_spki(certificate)
+ else:
+ # currently only 0 and 1 are assigned
+ sys.stderr.write("Only selectors 0 and 1 supported\n")
+ if self._matching == 0:
+ if verifieddata == self._payload:
+ return True
+ elif self._matching == 1:
+ if hashlib.sha256(verifieddata).digest() == self._payload:
+ return True
+ elif self._matching == 2:
+ if hashlib.sha512(verifieddata).digest() == self._payload:
+ return True
+ else:
+ # currently only 0, 1 and 2 are assigned
+ logging.warning("Only matching types 0, 1 and 2 supported\n")
+ return False
+ @property
+ def usage(self):
+ """Usage for this TLSA record"""
+ return self._usage
+ @property
+ def selector(self):
+ """Selector for this record"""
+ return self._selector
+ @property
+ def matching(self):
+ """Way to match data against certificate"""
+ return self._matching
+ @property
+ def payload(self):
+ """Payload data of the TLSA record"""
+ return self._payload
+ def __repr__(self):
+ hexencoder = codecs.getencoder('hex')
+ return '<TLSA %d %d %d %s>' % (self._usage, self._selector, self._matching, hexencoder(self._payload)[0].decode())
+def get_tlsa_records(resolver, name):
+ """Extracts all TLSA records for a given name"""
+ logging.debug("searching for TLSA record on %s", name)
+ s, r = resolver.resolve(name, rrtype=RR_TYPE_TLSA)
+ if 0 != s:
+ ub_strerror(s)
+ return
+ if r.data is None:
+ logging.warn("No TLSA record returned")
+ return set()
+ result = set()
+ for record in r.data.data:
+ hexencoder = codecs.getencoder('hex')
+ usage = ord(record[0])
+ selector = ord(record[1])
+ matching = ord(record[2])
+ data = record[3:]
+ result.add(TLSARecord(usage, selector, matching, data))
+ return result
+def match_tlsa_records(records, certificates):
+ """Returns all TLSA records matching the certificate"""
+ usedrecords = set()
+ result = 0
+ for certificate in certificates:
+ recfound = False
+ for record in records:
+ if record.match(certificate):
+ logging.info("Matched record %s", record)
+ usedrecords.add(record)
+ recfound = True
+ if not recfound:
+ logging.error("No TLSA record returned")
+ result = 2
+ for record in records:
+ if not record in usedrecords:
+ logging.warn("Unused record %s", record)
+ if result == 0:
+ result = 1
+ return result
def verify_tlsa_record(resolver, record, certificate):
logging.debug("searching for TLSA record on %s", record)
s, r = resolver.resolve(record, rrtype=RR_TYPE_TLSA)
for record in r.data.data:
hexencoder = codecs.getencoder('hex')
- usage = record[0]
- selector = record[1]
- matching = record[2]
+ usage = ord(record[0])
+ selector = ord(record[1])
+ matching = ord(record[2])
data = record[3:]
if usage != 3:
- scripts=['check_dane_smtp'
+ entry_points={
+ 'console_scripts': [
+ 'check_dane_https = check_dane.https:main',
+ }