#! /usr/bin/python # Copyright 2011-2013 Lars Wirzenius # Copyright 2012 Codethink Limited # Copyright 2014 Neil Williams # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import cliapp import crypt import logging import os import re import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import time __version__ = '0.6' class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): def add_settings(self): default_arch = subprocess.check_output( ["dpkg", "--print-architecture"]).strip() self.settings.boolean(['verbose'], 'report what is going on') self.settings.string(['image'], 'put created disk image in FILE', metavar='FILE') self.settings.bytesize(['size'], 'create a disk image of size SIZE (%default)', metavar='SIZE', default='1G') self.settings.bytesize(['bootsize'], 'create boot partition of size SIZE (%default)', metavar='BOOTSIZE', default='0%') self.settings.string(['boottype'], 'specify file system type for /boot/', default='ext2') self.settings.string(['foreign'], 'set up foreign debootstrap environment using provided program (ie binfmt handler)') self.settings.string(['variant'], 'select debootstrap variant it not using the default') self.settings.boolean(['extlinux'], 'install extlinux?', default=True) self.settings.string(['tarball'], "tar up the disk's contents in FILE", metavar='FILE') self.settings.string(['apt-mirror'], 'configure apt to use MIRROR', metavar='URL') self.settings.string(['mirror'], 'use MIRROR as package source (%default)', metavar='URL', default='http://http.debian.net/debian/') self.settings.string(['arch'], 'architecture to use (%default)', metavar='ARCH', default=default_arch) self.settings.string(['distribution'], 'release to use (%default)', metavar='NAME', default='stable') self.settings.string_list(['package'], 'install PACKAGE onto system') self.settings.string_list(['custom-package'], 'install package in DEB file onto system ' '(not from mirror)', metavar='DEB') self.settings.boolean(['no-kernel'], 'do not install a linux package') self.settings.boolean(['enable-dhcp'], 'enable DHCP on eth0') self.settings.string(['root-password'], 'set root password', metavar='PASSWORD') self.settings.boolean(['lock-root-password'], 'lock root account so they cannot login?') self.settings.string(['customize'], 'run SCRIPT after setting up system', metavar='SCRIPT') self.settings.string(['hostname'], 'set name to HOSTNAME (%default)', metavar='HOSTNAME', default='debian') self.settings.string_list(['user'], 'create USER with PASSWORD', metavar='USER/PASSWORD') self.settings.boolean(['serial-console'], 'configure image to use a serial console') self.settings.string(['serial-console-command'], 'command to manage the serial console, appended ' 'to /etc/inittab (%default)', metavar='COMMAND', default='/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100') self.settings.boolean(['sudo'], 'install sudo, and if user is created, add them ' 'to sudo group') self.settings.string(['owner'], 'the user who will own the image when the build ' 'is complete.') self.settings.boolean(['squash'], 'use squashfs on the final image.') self.settings.boolean(['configure-apt'], 'Create an apt source based on the distribution ' 'and mirror selected.') self.settings.boolean(['mbr'], 'Run install-mbr (no longer done by default)') self.settings.boolean(['grub'], 'Install and configure grub2 - disables ' 'extlinux.') self.settings.boolean(['sparse'], 'Dont fill the image with zeros to keep a sparse disk image', default=False) self.settings.boolean(['pkglist'], 'Create a list of package names included in ' 'the image.') self.remove_dirs = [] self.mount_points = [] def process_args(self, args): if not self.settings['image'] and not self.settings['tarball']: raise cliapp.AppException('You must give disk image filename, ' 'or tarball filename') if self.settings['image'] and not self.settings['size']: raise cliapp.AppException('If disk image is specified, ' 'You must give image size.') self.remove_dirs = [] self.mount_points = [] try: rootdev = None roottype = 'ext4' bootdev = None boottype = None rootdir = None if self.settings['image']: self.create_empty_image() self.partition_image() if self.settings['mbr']: self.install_mbr() (rootdev, bootdev) = self.setup_kpartx() self.mkfs(rootdev, fstype=roottype) rootdir = self.mount(rootdev) if bootdev: if self.settings['boottype']: boottype = self.settings['boottype'] else: boottype = 'ext2' self.mkfs(bootdev, fstype=boottype) bootdir = '%s/%s' % (rootdir, 'boot/') os.mkdir(bootdir) bootdir = self.mount(bootdev, bootdir) else: rootdir = self.mkdtemp() self.debootstrap(rootdir) self.set_hostname(rootdir) self.create_fstab(rootdir, rootdev, roottype, bootdev, boottype) self.install_debs(rootdir) self.cleanup_apt_cache(rootdir) self.set_root_password(rootdir) self.create_users(rootdir) self.remove_udev_persistent_rules(rootdir) self.setup_networking(rootdir) if self.settings['configure-apt'] or self.settings['apt-mirror']: self.configure_apt(rootdir) self.customize(rootdir) self.update_initramfs(rootdir) if self.settings['image']: if self.settings['grub']: self.install_grub2(rootdev, rootdir) elif self.settings['extlinux']: self.install_extlinux(rootdev, rootdir) self.append_serial_console(rootdir) self.optimize_image(rootdir) if self.settings['squash']: self.squash() if self.settings['pkglist']: self.list_installed_pkgs(rootdir) if self.settings['foreign']: os.unlink('%s/usr/bin/%s' % (rootdir, os.path.basename(self.settings['foreign']))) if self.settings['tarball']: self.create_tarball(rootdir) if self.settings['owner']: self.chown(rootdir) except BaseException, e: self.message('EEEK! Something bad happened...') if rootdir: db_log = os.path.join(rootdir, 'debootstrap', 'debootstrap.log') if os.path.exists(db_log): shutil.copy(db_log, os.getcwd()) self.message(e) self.cleanup_system() raise else: self.cleanup_system() def message(self, msg): logging.info(msg) if self.settings['verbose']: print msg def runcmd(self, argv, stdin='', ignore_fail=False, env=None, **kwargs): logging.debug('runcmd: %s %s %s', argv, env, kwargs) p = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, **kwargs) out, err = p.communicate(stdin) if p.returncode != 0: msg = 'command failed: %s\n%s\n%s' % (argv, out, err) logging.error(msg) if not ignore_fail: raise cliapp.AppException(msg) return out def mkdtemp(self): dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.remove_dirs.append(dirname) logging.debug('mkdir %s', dirname) return dirname def mount(self, device, path=None): if not path: mount_point = self.mkdtemp() else: mount_point = path self.message('Mounting %s on %s' % (device, mount_point)) self.runcmd(['mount', device, mount_point]) self.mount_points.append(mount_point) logging.debug('mounted %s on %s', device, mount_point) return mount_point def create_empty_image(self): self.message('Creating disk image') self.runcmd(['qemu-img', 'create', '-f', 'raw', self.settings['image'], str(self.settings['size'])]) def partition_image(self): self.message('Creating partitions') self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'], 'mklabel', 'msdos']) if self.settings['bootsize'] and self.settings['bootsize'] is not '0%': bootsize = str(self.settings['bootsize'] / (1024 * 1024)) self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'], 'mkpart', 'primary', 'fat16', '0%', bootsize]) else: bootsize = '0%' self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'], 'mkpart', 'primary', bootsize, '100%']) self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'], 'set', '1', 'boot', 'on']) def update_initramfs(self, rootdir): cmd = os.path.join('usr', 'sbin', 'update-initramfs') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(rootdir, cmd)): self.message("Updating the initramfs") self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, cmd, '-u']) def install_mbr(self): if os.path.exists("/sbin/install-mbr"): self.message('Installing MBR') self.runcmd(['install-mbr', self.settings['image']]) def setup_kpartx(self): out = self.runcmd(['kpartx', '-avs', self.settings['image']]) if self.settings['bootsize']: bootindex = 0 rootindex = 1 parts = 2 else: rootindex = 0 parts = 1 boot = None devices = [line.split()[2] for line in out.splitlines() if line.startswith('add map ')] if len(devices) != parts: raise cliapp.AppException('Surprising number of partitions') root = '/dev/mapper/%s' % devices[rootindex] if self.settings['bootsize']: boot = '/dev/mapper/%s' % devices[bootindex] return (root, boot) def mkfs(self, device, fstype): self.message('Creating filesystem %s' % fstype) self.runcmd(['mkfs', '-t', fstype, device]) def debootstrap(self, rootdir): msg = "(%s)" % self.settings['variant'] if self.settings['variant'] else '' self.message('Debootstrapping %s %s' % (self.settings['distribution'], msg)) if self.settings['foreign']: necessary_packages = [] else: necessary_packages = ['acpid'] if self.settings['grub']: necessary_packages.append('grub2') include = self.settings['package'] if not self.settings['no-kernel']: if self.settings['arch'] == 'i386': kernel_arch = '486' else: kernel_arch = self.settings['arch'] kernel_image = 'linux-image-%s' % kernel_arch include.append(kernel_image) if self.settings['sudo'] and 'sudo' not in include: include.append('sudo') args = ['debootstrap', '--arch=%s' % self.settings['arch']] if self.settings['package'] and len(necessary_packages) > 0: args.append( '--include=%s' % ','.join(necessary_packages + include)) if self.settings['foreign']: args.append('--foreign') if self.settings['variant']: args.append('--variant') args.append(self.settings['variant']) args += [self.settings['distribution'], rootdir, self.settings['mirror']] logging.debug(" ".join(args)) self.runcmd(args) if self.settings['foreign']: # set a noninteractive debconf environment for secondstage env = { "DEBIAN_FRONTEND": "noninteractive", "DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN": "true", "LC_ALL": "C" } # add the mapping to the complete environment. env.update(os.environ) # First copy the binfmt handler over self.message('Setting up binfmt handler') shutil.copy(self.settings['foreign'], '%s/usr/bin/' % rootdir) # Next, run the package install scripts etc. self.message('Running debootstrap second stage') self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, '/debootstrap/debootstrap', '--second-stage'], env=env) def set_hostname(self, rootdir): hostname = self.settings['hostname'] with open(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'hostname'), 'w') as f: f.write('%s\n' % hostname) etc_hosts = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'hosts') try: with open(etc_hosts, 'r') as f: data = f.read() with open(etc_hosts, 'w') as f: for line in data.splitlines(): if line.startswith(''): line += ' %s' % hostname f.write('%s\n' % line) except IOError: pass def create_fstab(self, rootdir, rootdev, roottype, bootdev, boottype): def fsuuid(device): out = self.runcmd(['blkid', '-c', '/dev/null', '-o', 'value', '-s', 'UUID', device]) return out.splitlines()[0].strip() if rootdev: rootdevstr = 'UUID=%s' % fsuuid(rootdev) else: rootdevstr = '/dev/sda1' if bootdev: bootdevstr = 'UUID=%s' % fsuuid(bootdev) else: bootdevstr = None fstab = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'fstab') with open(fstab, 'w') as f: f.write('proc /proc proc defaults 0 0\n') f.write('%s / %s errors=remount-ro 0 1\n' % (rootdevstr, roottype)) if bootdevstr: f.write('%s /boot %s errors=remount-ro 0 2\n' % (bootdevstr, boottype)) def install_debs(self, rootdir): if not self.settings['custom-package']: return self.message('Installing custom packages') tmp = os.path.join(rootdir, 'tmp', 'install_debs') os.mkdir(tmp) for deb in self.settings['custom-package']: shutil.copy(deb, tmp) filenames = [os.path.join('/tmp/install_debs', os.path.basename(deb)) for deb in self.settings['custom-package']] out, err, exitcode = \ self.runcmd_unchecked(['chroot', rootdir, 'dpkg', '-i'] + filenames) logging.debug('stdout:\n%s', out) logging.debug('stderr:\n%s', err) out = self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'apt-get', '-f', '--no-remove', 'install']) logging.debug('stdout:\n%s', out) shutil.rmtree(tmp) def cleanup_apt_cache(self, rootdir): out = self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'apt-get', 'clean']) logging.debug('stdout:\n%s', out) def set_root_password(self, rootdir): if self.settings['root-password']: self.message('Setting root password') self.set_password(rootdir, 'root', self.settings['root-password']) elif self.settings['lock-root-password']: self.message('Locking root password') self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'passwd', '-l', 'root']) else: self.message('Give root an empty password') self.delete_password(rootdir, 'root') def create_users(self, rootdir): def create_user(user): self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'adduser', '--gecos', user, '--disabled-password', user]) if self.settings['sudo']: self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'adduser', user, 'sudo']) for userpass in self.settings['user']: if '/' in userpass: user, password = userpass.split('/', 1) create_user(user) self.set_password(rootdir, user, password) else: create_user(userpass) self.delete_password(rootdir, userpass) def set_password(self, rootdir, user, password): encrypted = crypt.crypt(password, '..') self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'usermod', '-p', encrypted, user]) def delete_password(self, rootdir, user): self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'passwd', '-d', user]) def remove_udev_persistent_rules(self, rootdir): self.message('Removing udev persistent cd and net rules') for x in ['70-persistent-cd.rules', '70-persistent-net.rules']: pathname = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'udev', 'rules.d', x) if os.path.exists(pathname): logging.debug('rm %s', pathname) os.remove(pathname) else: logging.debug('not removing non-existent %s', pathname) def setup_networking(self, rootdir): self.message('Setting up networking') f = open(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'network', 'interfaces'), 'w') f.write('auto lo\n') f.write('iface lo inet loopback\n') if self.settings['enable-dhcp']: f.write('\n') f.write('auto eth0\n') f.write('iface eth0 inet dhcp\n') f.close() def append_serial_console(self, rootdir): if self.settings['serial-console']: serial_command = self.settings['serial-console-command'] logging.debug('adding getty to serial console') inittab = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/inittab') # to autologin, serial_command can contain '-a root' with open(inittab, 'a') as f: f.write('\nS0:23:respawn:%s\n' % serial_command) def install_grub2(self, rootdev, rootdir): self.message("Configuring grub2") # rely on kpartx using consistent naming to map loop0p1 to loop0 install_dev = os.path.join('/dev', os.path.basename(rootdev)[:-2]) self.runcmd(['mount', '/dev', '-t', 'devfs', '-obind', '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'dev')]) self.runcmd(['mount', '/proc', '-t', 'proc', '-obind', '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'proc')]) self.runcmd(['mount', '/sys', '-t', 'sysfs', '-obind', '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'sys')]) try: self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'update-grub']) self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub-install', install_dev]) except cliapp.AppException as e: self.message("Failed. Is grub2-common installed? Using extlinux.") self.runcmd(['umount', os.path.join(rootdir, 'sys')]) self.runcmd(['umount', os.path.join(rootdir, 'proc')]) self.runcmd(['umount', os.path.join(rootdir, 'dev')]) self.install_extlinux(rootdev, rootdir) def install_extlinux(self, rootdev, rootdir): if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/extlinux"): self.message("extlinux not installed, skipping.") return self.message('Installing extlinux') def find(pattern): dirname = os.path.join(rootdir, 'boot') basenames = os.listdir(dirname) logging.debug('find: %s', basenames) for basename in basenames: if re.search(pattern, basename): return os.path.join('boot', basename) raise cliapp.AppException('Cannot find match: %s' % pattern) try: kernel_image = find('vmlinuz-.*') initrd_image = find('initrd.img-.*') except cliapp.AppException as e: self.message("Unable to find kernel. Not installing extlinux.") logging.debug("No kernel found. %s. Skipping install of extlinux.", e) return out = self.runcmd(['blkid', '-c', '/dev/null', '-o', 'value', '-s', 'UUID', rootdev]) uuid = out.splitlines()[0].strip() conf = os.path.join(rootdir, 'extlinux.conf') logging.debug('configure extlinux %s', conf) f = open(conf, 'w') f.write(''' default linux timeout 1 label linux kernel %(kernel)s append initrd=%(initrd)s root=UUID=%(uuid)s ro %(kserial)s %(extserial)s ''' % { 'kernel': kernel_image, 'initrd': initrd_image, 'uuid': uuid, 'kserial': 'console=ttyS0,115200' if self.settings['serial-console'] else '', 'extserial': 'serial 0 115200' if self.settings['serial-console'] else '', }) f.close() self.runcmd(['extlinux', '--install', rootdir]) self.runcmd(['sync']) time.sleep(2) def optimize_image(self, rootdir): """ Filing up the image with zeros will increase its compression rate """ if not self.settings['sparse']: zeros = os.path.join(rootdir, 'ZEROS') self.runcmd_unchecked(['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of=' + zeros, 'bs=1M']) self.runcmd(['rm', '-f', zeros]) def squash(self): """ Run squashfs on the image. """ if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/mksquashfs'): logging.warning("Squash selected but mksquashfs not found!") return self.message("Running mksquashfs") suffixed = "%s.squashfs" % self.settings['image'] self.runcmd(['mksquashfs', self.settings['image'], suffixed, '-no-progress', '-comp', 'xz'], ignore_fail=False) os.unlink(self.settings['image']) self.settings['image'] = suffixed def cleanup_system(self): # Clean up after any errors. self.message('Cleaning up') # Umount in the reverse mount order if self.settings['image']: for i in xrange(len(self.mount_points) - 1, -1, -1): mount_point = self.mount_points[i] try: self.runcmd(['umount', mount_point], ignore_fail=False) except cliapp.AppException: logging.debug("umount failed, sleeping and trying again") time.sleep(5) self.runcmd(['umount', mount_point], ignore_fail=False) self.runcmd(['kpartx', '-d', self.settings['image']], ignore_fail=True) for dirname in self.remove_dirs: shutil.rmtree(dirname) def customize(self, rootdir): script = self.settings['customize'] if not script: return if not os.path.exists(script): example = os.path.join("/usr/share/vmdebootstrap/examples/", script) if not os.path.exists(example): self.message("Unable to find %s" % script) return script = example self.message('Running customize script %s' % script) with open('/dev/tty', 'w') as tty: cliapp.runcmd([script, rootdir], stdout=tty, stderr=tty) def create_tarball(self, rootdir): # Create a tarball of the disk's contents # shell out to runcmd since it more easily handles rootdir self.message('Creating tarball of disk contents') self.runcmd(['tar', '-cf', self.settings['tarball'], '-C', rootdir, '.']) def chown(self, rootdir): # Change image owner after completed build self.message("Changing owner to %s" % self.settings["owner"]) subprocess.call(["chown", self.settings["owner"], self.settings["image"]]) def list_installed_pkgs(self, rootdir): # output the list of installed packages for sources identification self.message("Creating a list of installed binary package names") out = self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'dpkg-query', '-W' "-f='${Package}.deb\n'"]) with open('dpkg.list', 'w') as dpkg: dpkg.write(out) def configure_apt(self, rootdir): # use the distribution and mirror to create an apt source self.message("Configuring apt to use distribution and mirror") conf = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'apt', 'sources.list.d', 'base.list') logging.debug('configure apt %s', conf) mirror = self.settings['mirror'] if self.settings['apt-mirror']: mirror = self.settings['apt-mirror'] self.message("Setting apt mirror to %s" % mirror) os.unlink(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'apt', 'sources.list')) f = open(conf, 'w') f.write(''' deb %(mirror)s %(distribution)s main #deb-src %(mirror)s %(distribution)s main ''' % { 'mirror': mirror, 'distribution': self.settings['distribution'] }) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': VmDebootstrap(version=__version__).run()