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[talk/attack-i2p-raid2013.git] / beamer.tex
1 \documentclass[handout]{beamer}
2 \usetheme{i4}
3 \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
4 \usepackage{tikz}
5 \usepackage{multicol}
6 \usepackage{listings}
7 \lstloadlanguages{lisp}
9 \usetikzlibrary{svg.path,positioning,intersections}
10 \usepgflibrary{shapes.geometric}
11 \usepgflibrary{shapes.misc}
12 \usepgflibrary{shapes.symbols}
14 \usepgflibrary{shapes}
15 \usetikzlibrary{shapes,decorations,shadows}
16 \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing}
17 \usetikzlibrary{decorations.shapes}
18 \usetikzlibrary{fadings}
19 \usetikzlibrary{patterns}
20 \usetikzlibrary{calc}
21 \tikzstyle{netdb}=[anchor=center,color=black,rectangle,draw,minimum
22 size=1em,minimum height=.5em]
23 \tikzstyle{client}=[fill=i4gray,rectangle,draw]
24 \tikzstyle{chain}=[rectangle,draw,minimum size=1em,minimum height=.5em]
25 \tikzstyle{arrow}=[->,thick,draw,shorten <=2pt,shorten >=2pt,]
26 \tikzstyle{tunnel}=[fill=gray,shape=ellipse,minimum size=4em,minimum height=1.1em]
28 \newcommand{\iip}[1]{\textcolor{i4red}{#1}}
30 \author[Christoph Egger]{{\bf Christoph Egger}, Johannes Schlumberger, Christopher
31 Kruegel, Giovanni Vigna}
32 \title{Practical Attacks Against The I2P Network}
33 \institute{Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg\\
34 University of California, Santa Barbara}
35 \date{October 25, 2013}
36 \begin{document}
38 \begin{frame}[plain]
39 \vspace{1.5em}
40 \titlepage
41 \begin{center}
42 \includegraphics[width=0.2\paperwidth]{ucsbseal}
43 \hspace{1.5em}
44 \includegraphics[width=0.25\paperwidth]{streifenlogo}
45 \end{center}
46 \end{frame}
48 \begin{frame}
49 \frametitle{Outline}
50 \begin{multicols}{2}
51 \begin{block}{What is I2P?}
52 \begin{itemize}
53 \item Tunnels
54 \item Network Database
55 \item \textcolor{gray}{Floodfill Participation}
56 \item Thread model
57 \end{itemize}
58 \end{block}
59 \begin{block}{Attacks}
60 \begin{itemize}
61 \item \textcolor{gray}{Floodfill Takeover Attack}
62 \item Sybil Attack
63 \item \textcolor{gray}{Eclipse Attack}
64 \item Deanonymization Attack
65 \end{itemize}
66 \end{block}
67 \begin{block}{Evaluation}
68 \begin{itemize}
69 \item \textcolor{gray}{Floodfill Takeover Attack}
70 \item Sybil Attack
71 \item \textcolor{gray}{Eclipse Attack}
72 \item Deanonymization Attack
73 \end{itemize}
74 \end{block}
75 \begin{block}{Conclusions}
76 \begin{itemize}
77 \item Limitations
78 \item I2P Improvements
79 \item \textcolor{gray}{Related Work}
80 \end{itemize}
81 \end{block}
82 \end{multicols}
83 \end{frame}
85 \begin{frame}
86 \frametitle{Introduction I2P}
87 \begin{itemize}\addtolength{\itemsep}{1\baselineskip}
88 \item Solution for anonymous Communication
89 \item Separated from the ``Internet'' -- \emph{Darknet}
90 \item Fully distributed Design
91 \item Based on Onion Routing
92 \item Between 18,000 and 28,000 active users
93 \end{itemize}
94 \end{frame}
95 \section{I2P}
96 \begin{frame}
97 \frametitle{I2P}
98 \begin{multicols}{2}
99 \begin{block}{Router}
100 \begin{itemize}
101 \item Handle Connections
102 \item Provide Name Services
103 \end{itemize}
104 \end{block}
105 \pause
106 \begin{block}{Applications}
107 \begin{itemize}
108 \item Server, Client or P2P Software
109 \item Sockets interface with TCP-like or UDP-like Semantics
110 \end{itemize}
111 \end{block}
112 \pause
113 \begin{figure}
114 \centering
115 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2]
116 \tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\tiny]
117 \node[minimum width=7em,minimum height=6em,draw=gray](clientpc) at (25mm,9mm) {};
118 \node[above=0mm of clientpc.south] {User's Computer};
119 \node[cloud,drop shadow,fill=white,draw,minimum
120 width=4.5em,minimum height=2.5em](ip) at (22mm,27mm) {I2P};
121 \node[client](client) at (22mm, 18mm) {I2P Router};
122 \node[rectangle,draw,below=0mm of client.south east](app1) {Application};
123 \node[rectangle,draw,below=0mm of app1.south](app2) {Application};
124 \node[rectangle,draw,below=0mm of app2.south](app3) {Application};
126 \path[arrow] (app1.west) -| ([xshift=3.5mm]client.south west);
127 \path[arrow] (app2.west) -| ([xshift=2.5mm]client.south west);
128 \path[arrow] (app3.west) -| ([xshift=1.5mm]client.south west);
129 \path[arrow] ([xshift=.5mm]client.north) -- ([xshift=.5mm]ip.south);
130 \path[arrow] ([xshift=-.5mm]ip.south) -- ([xshift=-.5mm]client.north);
131 \end{tikzpicture}
132 \end{figure}
134 \end{multicols}
135 \end{frame}
137 \begin{frame}
138 \frametitle{Tunnels}
139 \begin{itemize}
140 \item using onion-routing for anonymity
141 \item unidirectional
142 \item paired for bi-directional communication
143 \end{itemize}\pause
144 \begin{block}{Client Tunnels}
145 \begin{itemize}
146 \item Used for Data Interactions
147 \item Several pro Application
148 \end{itemize}
149 \end{block}
150 \pause
151 \begin{block}{Exploratory Tunnels}
152 \begin{itemize}
153 \item Used for Database interaction
154 \item 2 to 3 per Node
155 \end{itemize}
156 \end{block}
157 \end{frame}
159 \begin{frame}
160 \frametitle{Network Database}
161 \begin{itemize}
162 \item<1-> Kademlia-like DHT based on \texttt{XOR}-distance run on
163 320 super-nodes
164 \item<2-> \iip{databaseRecord}\\
165 Information named using a hash over their cryptographic Keys
166 \item<3-> \iip{storageLocation}\\
167 Hash over name and today's date
168 \item<4-> \iip{routerInfo}\\
169 Peer information: IP address, Port, Protocol, Keys
170 \item<5-> \iip{leaseSet}\\
171 Service Information: Entry tunnels, Keys
172 \end{itemize}
173 % \begin{multicols}{2}
174 % \begin{block}{\iip{routerInfo}}
175 % \begin{itemize}
176 % \item Peer information: IP address, Port, Protocol, Keys
177 % \end{itemize}
178 % \end{block}
179 % \begin{block}{\iip{leaseSet}}
180 % \begin{itemize}
181 % \item Service Information: Entry tunnels, Keys
182 % \end{itemize}
183 % \end{block}
184 % % \begin{figure}
185 % % \centering
186 % % \begin{tikzpicture}
187 % % \node[draw,rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2] (lease) at (-3em,0) {\iip{leaseSet}\nodepart{second}\tiny{Keys}};
188 % % \node[draw,rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2] (router) at (3em,0) {\iip{routerInfo}\nodepart{second}\tiny{Keys}};
189 % % \node[draw,ellipse] (hashfn1) at (0,-3em) {\tiny{SHA256}};
190 % % \node[draw,rectangle] (hash1) at (0,-5.5em) {\iip{resourceIdentifier}};
191 % % \node[draw,rectangle,right=-0.1mm of hash1.east] (day) {Date};
193 % % \node[draw,ellipse] (hashfn1) at (0,-8em) {\tiny{SHA256}};
194 % % \node[draw,rectangle] (resID) at (0,-10.5em) {\iip{storageLocation}};
195 % % \end{tikzpicture}
196 % % \end{figure}
197 % \end{multicols}
198 \end{frame}
200 \begin{frame}
201 \frametitle{Sample Interaction}
202 \begin{figure}
203 \centering
204 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2]
205 \tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\tiny]
206 % netDB
207 \foreach \sector in {%
208 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}%
209 {
210 \node[netdb](node\sector) at ({36 * (-\sector + .5)} : 10mm) {\sector};
211 }
212 \node at (0, 0) {netDB};
213 % client
214 \node[client](client) at (28mm, 12mm) {Server Router};
215 \node[rectangle,draw,below=0mm of client.south west] {Application};
216 \node[minimum width=7em,minimum height=4em,draw=gray](clientpc) at (25mm,9mm) {};
217 \node[above=0mm of clientpc.south] {Server's System};
218 % server
219 \node[client](server) at (-42mm, 12mm) {Client Router};
220 \node[rectangle,draw,below=0mm of server.south east] {Application};
221 \node[minimum width=7em,minimum height=4em,draw=gray](clientpc) at (-38mm,9mm) {};
222 \node[above=0mm of clientpc.south] {Client's System};
223 % client client tunnel
224 \node[chain,minimum size=6.5em,minimum height=2em,draw=gray](tunnel) at (16mm,20.5mm) {};
225 \node[above=0mm of tunnel.north] {Server's data tunnel pair};
226 % \node[tunnel,minimum width=9.5em] at (16mm, 19mm) {};
227 % \node[tunnel,minimum width=9.5em] at (16mm, 22mm) {};
228 %
229 \node[chain] (cco1) at (23mm, 19mm) {};
230 \path[arrow] ([xshift=4mm]client.north) |- (cco1.east);
231 \node[chain] (cco2) at (16mm, 19mm) {};
232 \path[arrow] (cco1.west) -- (cco2.east);
233 \node[chain] (cco3) at (9mm, 19mm) {};
234 \path[arrow] (cco2.west) -- (cco3.east);
235 \node[chain] (cci1) at (23mm, 22mm) {};
236 \path[arrow] (cci1.east) -| ([xshift=5mm]client.north);
237 \node[chain] (cci2) at (16mm, 22mm) {};
238 \path[arrow] (cci2.east) -- (cci1.west);
239 \node[chain] (cci3) at (9mm, 22mm) {};
240 \path[arrow] (cci3.east) -- (cci2.west);
241 % server client tunnel
242 \node[chain,minimum size=6.5em,minimum height=2em,draw=gray](tunnel) at (-30mm,20.5mm) {};
243 \node[above=0mm of tunnel.north] {Client's data tunnel pair};
244 % \node[tunnel,minimum width=9.5em] at (-34mm, 19mm) {};
245 % \node[tunnel,minimum width=9.5em] at (-34mm, 22mm) {};
246 %
247 \node[chain] (csi1) at (-37mm, 19mm) {};
248 \path[arrow,<-] ([xshift=-4mm]server.north) |- (csi1.west);
249 \node[chain] (csi2) at (-30mm, 19mm) {};
250 \path[arrow,<-] (csi1.east) -- (csi2.west);
251 \node[chain] (csi3) at (-23mm, 19mm) {};
252 \path[arrow,<-] (csi2.east) -- (csi3.west);
253 \node[chain] (cso1) at (-37mm, 22mm) {};
254 \path[arrow,<-] (cso1.west) -| ([xshift=-5mm]server.north);
255 \node[chain] (cso2) at (-30mm, 22mm) {};
256 \path[arrow,<-] (cso2.west) -- (cso1.east);
257 \node[chain] (cso3) at (-23mm, 22mm) {};
258 \path[arrow,<-] (cso3.west) -- (cso2.east);
259 % client exploratory tunnel
260 \node[chain,minimum size=4.5em,minimum height=2em,draw=gray](tunnel) at (-32.5mm,-3.5mm) {};
261 \node[below=0mm of tunnel.south,align=center] {Client's exploratory\\tunnel pair};
262 % \node[tunnel,minimum width=7.5em] at (-36.5mm, 0mm) {};
263 % \node[tunnel,minimum width=7.5em] at (-36.5mm, -3mm) {};
264 %
265 \node[chain] (eo1) at (-36mm, -2mm) {};
266 \path[arrow] ([xshift=-4mm]server.south) |- (eo1.west);
267 \node[chain] (ei1) at (-36mm, -5mm) {};
268 \path[arrow,<-] ([xshift=-5mm]server.south) |- (ei1.west);
269 \node[chain] (eo2) at (-29mm, -2mm) {};
270 \path[arrow] (eo1.east) -- (eo2.west);
271 \node[chain] (ei2) at (-29mm, -5mm) {};
272 \path[arrow,<-] (ei1.east) -- (ei2.west);
273 % service lookup
274 \draw[arrow,bend right=20,dashdotted] (eo2.east) to node[above=.8em,align=center] {service\\lookup} (node4.west);
275 \draw[arrow,bend right=10,<-,dashdotted] (ei2.east) to node {} ([yshift=-1mm]node4.west);
276 % data link
277 \draw[arrow,bend left=15,dashdotted] (cco3.west) to node {} (csi3.east);
278 \draw[arrow,bend right=15,dashdotted] (cci3.west) to node {} (cso3.east);
279 \node at (-9mm,20.5mm) {Data connection};
280 \end{tikzpicture}
281 \end{figure}
282 \end{frame}
284 \begin{frame}
285 \frametitle{Thread Model}
286 \begin{itemize}\addtolength{\itemsep}{1\baselineskip}
287 \item Implicitly specified in terms of attacks considered
288 \item Only allows local adversaries: No global view about traffic
289 passing through the network
290 \item Only allows limited number of malicious nodes -- around 20\,\%
291 of \iip{netDB} super-nodes and 20\,\% of total nodes
292 \item Secure cryptographic primitives
293 \end{itemize}
294 \end{frame}
296 \section{Attacks}
297 \begin{frame}
298 \frametitle{Sybil Attack}
299 \begin{block}{Definition}
300 In a Sybil Attack, the adversary utilizes multiple identities to
301 break assumptions about the system
302 \end{block}\pause
303 \begin{block}{Goal}
304 Gaining control over parts of the keyspace in the \iip{netDB} with
305 limited resources
306 \end{block}\pause
307 \begin{block}{Challenge}
308 Active identities require considerable resources to be useful
309 \end{block}\pause
310 \begin{block}{Solution}
311 Compute a large pool of identities and only activate the relevant ones
312 \end{block}
313 \end{frame}
315 \begin{frame}
316 \frametitle{Deanonymizing Users}
317 \begin{block}{Goal}
318 Given an user Alice and a resource R, we want to confirm or refute
319 Alice using R with high probability.
320 \end{block}\pause
321 \begin{block}{Vulnerability}
322 \begin{itemize}
323 \item<2-> Nodes store their \iip{routerInfo} directly in the \iip{netDB}
324 \item<3-> Nodes verify the storage 20 seconds later using one of their
325 \iip{exploratory Tunnels}
326 \item<4-> Nodes use the same \iip{exploratory Tunnel} again for
327 resource lookups
328 \end{itemize}
329 \end{block}
330 \end{frame}
332 \begin{frame}
333 \frametitle{Deanonymizing Users}
334 \begin{figure}
335 \centering
336 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.4,font=\tiny]
337 % netDB
338 \foreach \sector in {%
339 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}%
340 {
341 \node[netdb](node\sector) at ({36 * (-\sector + .5)} : 12mm) {\sector};
342 }
343 \node at (0, 0) {netDB};
344 % client
345 \node[client](client) at (-45mm, 12mm) {Client};
346 % store
347 \draw[arrow,bend left=5,dashdotted] (client.north east) to node[above] {store} (node7.north west);
348 \draw[arrow,<-,bend left=5,dashdotted] (client.east) to node {} (node7.west);
349 % flood
350 \draw[arrow,draw,bend right=15] (node7.south east) to node {} (node8.south west);
351 \draw[arrow,draw,bend right=15] (node7.south east) to node[below] {replication} (node9.west);
352 \draw[arrow,draw,bend left=15] (node7.south east) to node {} (node6.north east);
353 % tunnels
354 \node[chain,minimum size=6em,minimum height=3.5em,draw=gray](tunnel) at (-35mm,-2.5mm) {};
355 \node[below=2mm of tunnel.south] {exploratory tunnel pair};
356 % \node[tunnel] at (-35mm, 0mm) {};
357 \node[chain] (ol) at (-40mm, 0mm) {};
358 \node[chain] (oe) at (-30mm, 0mm) {};
359 % \node[tunnel] at (-35mm, -5mm) {};
360 \node[chain] (il) at (-40mm, -5mm) {};
361 \node[chain] (ie) at (-30mm, -5mm) {};
362 \path[arrow] ([xshift=-1mm]client.south) |- (ol.west);
363 \path[arrow,<-] ([xshift=-2mm]client.south) |- (il.west);
364 \path[arrow] (ol.east) -- (oe.west);
365 \path[arrow,<-] (il.east) -- (ie.west);
366 % verify
367 \draw[arrow,bend left=5,dashdotted] (oe.north east) to node[above] {verify} ([yshift=1mm]node6.west);
368 \draw[arrow,bend left=15,<-,dashdotted] (ie.north east) to node {} (node6.west);
369 %lookup
370 \draw[arrow,bend right=15,dashdotted] (oe.south east) to node[above] {lookup} (node4.west);
371 \draw[arrow,bend right=5,<-,dashdotted] (ie.south east) to node {} ([yshift=-1mm]node4.west);
372 \end{tikzpicture}
373 \end{figure}
374 \end{frame}
376 \section{Evaluation}
377 \begin{frame}
378 \frametitle{Sybil Attack}
379 \begin{block}{Generating identities}
380 \begin{itemize}
381 \item Building a Database of 50,000 identities takes around 30
382 minutes on 12-core Xeon server
383 \item 156 nodes on average between two adjacent database nodes
384 \item All identities available to all malicious nodes
385 \end{itemize}
386 \end{block}\pause
387 \begin{block}{Using identities}
388 \begin{itemize}
389 \item Malicious nodes can calculate the correct identities and
390 change identity at any time
391 \item Nodes coordinate to avoid duplicate identities
392 \end{itemize}
393 \end{block}
394 \end{frame}
396 \begin{frame}
397 \frametitle{Deanonyizing Attack}
398 \begin{block}{Setup}
399 \begin{itemize}
400 \item 20 attacking nodes in Santa Barbara
401 \begin{itemize}
402 \item 10 nodes capturing resource lookups
403 \item 10 nodes performing timing attack on \iip{routerInfo} storage
404 \end{itemize}
405 \item 6 monitoring nodes: 3 in Erlangen, 3 in Santa Barbara
406 \end{itemize}
407 \end{block}\pause
408 \begin{block}{Results}
409 \begin{itemize}
410 \item 60\,\% of potentially observable links detected
411 \item 52\,\% of attributed hits correct
412 \item Working equally well for geographically remote Hosts
413 \end{itemize}
414 \end{block}
415 \end{frame}
417 \begin{frame}
418 \frametitle{Deanonymizing Users}
419 \begin{figure}
420 \centering
421 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.4,font=\tiny]
422 % netDB
423 \foreach \sector in {%
424 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}%
425 {
426 \node[netdb](node\sector) at ({36 * (-\sector + .5)} : 12mm) {\sector};
427 }
428 \node at (0, 0) {netDB};
429 % client
430 \node[client](client) at (-45mm, 12mm) {Client};
431 % store
432 \draw[arrow,bend left=5,dashdotted] (client.north east) to node[above] {store} (node7.north west);
433 \draw[arrow,<-,bend left=5,dashdotted] (client.east) to node {} (node7.west);
434 % flood
435 \draw[arrow,draw,bend right=15] (node7.south east) to node {} (node8.south west);
436 \draw[arrow,draw,bend right=15] (node7.south east) to node[below] {replication} (node9.west);
437 \draw[arrow,draw,bend left=15] (node7.south east) to node {} (node6.north east);
438 % tunnels
439 \node[chain,minimum size=6em,minimum height=3.5em,draw=gray](tunnel) at (-35mm,-2.5mm) {};
440 \node[below=2mm of tunnel.south] {exploratory tunnel pair};
441 % \node[tunnel] at (-35mm, 0mm) {};
442 \node[chain] (ol) at (-40mm, 0mm) {};
443 \node[chain] (oe) at (-30mm, 0mm) {};
444 % \node[tunnel] at (-35mm, -5mm) {};
445 \node[chain] (il) at (-40mm, -5mm) {};
446 \node[chain] (ie) at (-30mm, -5mm) {};
447 \path[arrow] ([xshift=-1mm]client.south) |- (ol.west);
448 \path[arrow,<-] ([xshift=-2mm]client.south) |- (il.west);
449 \path[arrow] (ol.east) -- (oe.west);
450 \path[arrow,<-] (il.east) -- (ie.west);
451 % verify
452 \draw[arrow,bend left=5,dashdotted] (oe.north east) to node[above] {verify} ([yshift=1mm]node6.west);
453 \draw[arrow,bend left=15,<-,dashdotted] (ie.north east) to node {} (node6.west);
454 %lookup
455 \draw[arrow,bend right=15,dashdotted] (oe.south east) to node[above] {lookup} (node4.west);
456 \draw[arrow,bend right=5,<-,dashdotted] (ie.south east) to node {} ([yshift=-1mm]node4.west);
457 \end{tikzpicture}
458 \end{figure}
459 \end{frame}
461 \begin{frame}
462 \frametitle{Results for multiple Hits}
463 \small{
464 $N=144$, Number of time slices\\
465 $q=0.001$, 7\,\% of total nodes accessing the resource once a day\\
466 $x=0.52\cdot p + 0.48\cdot q$ \\
467 $P(k~hits) = {N \choose k} x^k \cdot (1-x)^{N-k}$}
468 \begin{figure}
469 \centering
470 \includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{graph}
471 \end{figure}
472 \end{frame}
474 \section{Conclusions}
476 \begin{frame}
477 \frametitle{Limitations}
478 \begin{itemize}\addtolength{\itemsep}{1\baselineskip}
479 \item Only works reliable for longer/repeated resource access
480 \item Less reliable for popular resources
481 \item Needs extra resources per tracked user and per resource
482 \end{itemize}
483 \end{frame}
485 \begin{frame}
486 \frametitle{I2P Improvements}
487 \begin{itemize}\addtolength{\itemsep}{1\baselineskip}
488 \item Limiting \iip{netDB} nodes per IPv4 network
489 \item Ignoring new \iip{netDB} nodes
490 \item Removing storage verification
491 \item Randomizing the time delta
492 \item Expiring tunnels after storage verification
493 \end{itemize}
494 \end{frame}
496 \begin{frame}
497 \frametitle{Bibliography}
498 \nocite{Mittal:2012}
499 \nocite{Timpanaro:2011}
500 \nocite{Herrmann:2011}
501 \nocite{Douceur:2002}
502 \nocite{Dingledine:2004}
503 \nocite{Evans:2011}
504 \bibliographystyle{plain}
505 \tiny{\bibliography{../i2p}}
506 \end{frame}
508 \end{document}
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511 %%% mode: latex
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