]> git.siccegge.de Git - talk/dnssec.git/blob - slides.tex
[talk/dnssec.git] / slides.tex
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26 \tikzstyle{tunnel}=[fill=gray,shape=ellipse,minimum size=4em,minimum height=1.1em]
29 \usetheme{CambridgeUS}
30 \usefonttheme{structuresmallcapsserif}
31 \title{DNSSEC}
32 \author{Christoph Egger}
33 %\institute[Debian]{The Debian Project}
34 \date{\today}
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57 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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59 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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124 }
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126 ]
127 at ([xshift=-0.75mm,yshift=-0.5mm]path picture bounding box.center){};
128 }
129 },
130 ports/.style={
131 line width=0.3pt,
132 top color=gray!20,
133 bottom color=gray!80
134 },
135 rack switch/.style={
136 parallelepiped,fill=white, draw,
137 minimum width=1.25cm,
138 minimum height=0.25cm,
139 parallelepiped offset x=2mm,
140 parallelepiped offset y=1.25mm,
141 xscale=-1,
142 path picture={
143 \draw[top color=gray!5,bottom color=gray!40]
144 (path picture bounding box.south west) rectangle
145 (path picture bounding box.north east);
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147 \coordinate (A-center) at ($(path picture bounding box.center)!0!(path
148 picture bounding box.south)$);
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150 \draw[ports]([yshift=-0.05cm]$(A-west)!\x!(A-center)$)
151 rectangle +(0.1,0.05);
152 \draw[ports]([yshift=-0.125cm]$(A-west)!\x!(A-center)$)
153 rectangle +(0.1,0.05);
154 }
155 \coordinate (A-east) at (path picture bounding box.east);
156 \foreach \x in {0.085,0.21,0.335,0.455,0.635,0.755,0.875,1}{
157 \draw[ports]([yshift=-0.1125cm]$(A-east)!\x!(A-center)$)
158 rectangle +(0.05,0.1);
159 }
160 }
161 },
162 server/.style={
163 parallelepiped,
164 fill=white, draw,
165 minimum width=0.35cm,
166 minimum height=0.75cm,
167 parallelepiped offset x=3mm,
168 parallelepiped offset y=2mm,
169 xscale=-1,
170 path picture={
171 \draw[top color=gray!5,bottom color=gray!40]
172 (path picture bounding box.south west) rectangle
173 (path picture bounding box.north east);
174 \coordinate (A-center) at ($(path picture bounding box.center)!0!(path
175 picture bounding box.south)$);
176 \coordinate (A-west) at ([xshift=-0.575cm]path picture bounding box.west);
177 \draw[ports]([yshift=0.1cm]$(A-west)!0!(A-center)$)
178 rectangle +(0.2,0.065);
179 \draw[ports]([yshift=0.01cm]$(A-west)!0.085!(A-center)$)
180 rectangle +(0.15,0.05);
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182 rectangle +(0.235,0.0175);
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184 rectangle +(0.235,0.0175);
185 \fill[black]([yshift=-0.42cm]$(A-west)!-0.1!(A-center)$)
186 rectangle +(0.235,0.0175);
187 }
188 },
189 }
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195 interface/.style={draw, rectangle, rounded corners, font=\LARGE\sffamily},
196 ethernet/.style={interface, fill=yellow!50},% ethernet interface
197 serial/.style={interface, fill=green!70},% serial interface
198 speed/.style={sloped, anchor=south, font=\large\sffamily},% line speed at edge
199 route/.style={draw, shape=single arrow, single arrow head extend=4mm,
200 minimum height=1.7cm, minimum width=3mm, white, fill=switch!20,
201 drop shadow={opacity=.8, fill=switch}, font=\tiny}% inroute/outroute arrows
202 }
203 \newcommand*{\shift}{1.3cm}% For placing the arrows later
205 % The router icon
206 \newcommand*{\router}[1]{
207 \begin{tikzpicture}
208 \coordinate (ll) at (-3,0.5);
209 \coordinate (lr) at (3,0.5);
210 \coordinate (ul) at (-3,2);
211 \coordinate (ur) at (3,2);
212 \shade [shading angle=90, left color=switch, right color=white] (ll)
213 arc (-180:-60:3cm and .75cm) -- +(0,1.5) arc (-60:-180:3cm and .75cm)
214 -- cycle;
215 \shade [shading angle=270, right color=switch, left color=white!50] (lr)
216 arc (0:-60:3cm and .75cm) -- +(0,1.5) arc (-60:0:3cm and .75cm) -- cycle;
217 \draw [thick] (ll) arc (-180:0:3cm and .75cm)
218 -- (ur) arc (0:-180:3cm and .75cm) -- cycle;
219 \draw [thick, shade, upper left=switch, lower left=switch,
220 upper right=switch, lower right=white] (ul)
221 arc (-180:180:3cm and .75cm);
222 \node at (0,0.5){\color{blue!60!black}\Huge #1};% The name of the router
223 % The four arrows, symbols for incoming and outgoing routes:
224 \begin{scope}[yshift=2cm, yscale=0.28, transform shape]
225 \node[route, rotate=45, xshift=\shift] {\strut};
226 \node[route, rotate=-45, xshift=-\shift] {\strut};
227 \node[route, rotate=-135, xshift=\shift] {\strut};
228 \node[route, rotate=135, xshift=-\shift] {\strut};
229 \end{scope}
230 \end{tikzpicture}}
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236 color(0.2cm)=(tikz@ball!95!white);
237 color(0.7cm)=(tikz@ball!89!black);
238 color(1cm)=(tikz@ball!75!black)
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244 \tikzset{my cloud/.style={
245 cloud, draw, aspect=2,
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247 }
248 }
249 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
251 \begin{document}
253 \frame{
254 \titlepage
255 }
257 \section{Einführung}
259 \begin{frame}
260 \begin{block}{Wikipedia}
261 The Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) is a suite of
262 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) specifications for securing
263 certain kinds of information provided by the Domain Name System
264 (DNS) as used on Internet Protocol (IP) networks. It is a set of
265 extensions to DNS which provide to DNS clients (resolvers) origin
266 authentication of DNS data, authenticated denial of existence, and
267 data integrity, but not availability or confidentiality.
268 \end{block}
269 \end{frame}
271 \begin{frame}
272 \frametitle{DNS Anfrage}
273 \begin{figure}
274 \centering
275 \begin{tikzpicture}
276 \begin{scope}[yshift=-5em, xshift=-5em]
277 \node[scale=1.5, server,debianblue](Client){};
278 \node[scale=1.5, server, left of=Client, xshift=-.75em](Gateway){};
279 \node[scale=1.5, server, left of=Gateway, xshift=-2em](ISP){};
281 \draw[thick,darkgray!10!gray] (Client.west)--(Gateway.east);
282 \draw[thick,darkgray!10!gray] (Gateway.west)--(ISP);
283 \end{scope}
285 \begin{scope}[xshift=15em, yshift=5em]
286 \node[thick, draw=darkgray, dotted, minimum width=12em, minimum
287 height=9em, xshift=-3.5em, yshift=-.5em] (siccegge) {};
288 \node[scale=1.2, server,debianblue](Master){};
289 \node[scale=1.2, server, right of=Master, yshift= 1.5em, xshift=1em](Slave 1){};
290 \node[scale=1.2, server, right of=Master, yshift=-1.5em, xshift=1em](Slave 2){};
292 \draw[thick,darkgray!10!gray] (Master.east)--(Slave 1);
293 \draw[thick,darkgray!10!gray] (Master.east)--(Slave 2);
294 \end{scope}
296 \begin{scope}[yshift=5em]
297 \node[thick, draw=darkgray, dotted, minimum width=12em, minimum
298 height=9em, xshift=-3.5em, yshift=-.5em] (de) {};
299 \node[scale=1.2, server,debianblue](Sub Master){};
300 \node[scale=1.2, server, right of=Sub Master, yshift= 1.5em,
301 xshift=1em](Sub Slave 1){};
302 \node[scale=1.2, server, right of=Sub Master, yshift=-1.5em,
303 xshift=1em](Sub Slave 2){};
305 \draw[thick,darkgray!10!gray] (Sub Master.east)--(Sub Slave 1);
306 \draw[thick,darkgray!10!gray] (Sub Master.east)--(Sub Slave 2);
307 \end{scope}
309 \draw[thick,darkgray!10!gray,dotted] (ISP.north)--(Sub Slave 2.south);
310 \draw[thick,darkgray!10!gray,dotted] (ISP.north)--(Slave 2.south);
312 \node[darkgray,above=.7em of Client.north,font=\LARGE] {Client};
313 \node[darkgray,below=0 of Gateway.south,font=\LARGE] {Heimrouter};
314 \node[darkgray,below=0 of ISP.south,font=\LARGE] {ISP};
316 \node[darkgray,below=0 of Master.south,font=\LARGE] {Master};
317 \node[darkgray,below=0 of Slave 2.south,font=\LARGE] {Slaves};
318 \node[darkgray,below=0 of Sub Master.south,font=\LARGE] {Master};
319 \node[darkgray,below=0 of Sub Slave 2.south,font=\LARGE] {Slaves};
320 \node[darkgray, above=0 of de, font=\LARGE]{.de};
321 \node[darkgray, above=0 of siccegge, font=\LARGE]{.siccegge.de};
322 \end{tikzpicture}
323 \end{figure}
324 \end{frame}
326 \section{Signaturen}
328 % \begin{frame}
329 % \frametitle{ZSK, KSK}
330 % \begin{itemize}
331 % \item \texttt[KSK] ``KeySigningKey'' -- wird in der übergeordneten
332 % Zone referenziert und signiert alle Schlüssel \emph{in} der Zone
333 % \pause
334 % \item \texttt[ZSK] ``ZoneSigningKey'' -- wird durch den \texttt{KSK}
335 % authorisiert und signiert weitere Einträge
336 % \pause\bigskip
337 % \item Normalerweise gibt es \emph{einen} KSK und \emph{zwei} ZSKs in
338 % einer Zone
339 % \end{itemize}
340 % \end{frame}
342 \begin{frame}
343 \begin{description}
344 \item[KSK] ``KeySigningKey'' -- wird in der übergeordneten
345 Zone referenziert und signiert alle Schlüssel \emph{in} der Zone
346 \item[ZSK] ``ZoneSigningKey'' -- wird durch den \texttt{KSK}
347 authorisiert und signiert weitere Einträge
348 \end{description}
349 \begin{figure}
350 \centering
351 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2]
352 \tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\small]
353 \node[minimum width=8em,minimum height=12em,draw=gray](dezone) at (0,0) {};
354 \node[below=2em of dezone.south] {de. Zone};
355 \node[minimum width=8em,minimum height=12em,draw=gray](rootzone) at (-9em,0) {};
356 \node[below=2em of rootzone.south] {. Zone};
357 \node[minimum width=8em,minimum height=12em,draw=gray](sicceggezone) at (9em,0) {};
358 \node[below=2em of sicceggezone.south] {siccegge.de. Zone};
360 \node[ellipse,draw=debianred](rootksk) at (-9em,3em) {KSK};
361 \node[ellipse,draw=debianblue](rootzsk) at (-9em,0em) {ZSK};
362 \node[ellipse,draw=black](rootds) at (-9em,-3em) {DS};
364 \node[ellipse,draw=debianred](deksk) at (0em,3em) {KSK};
365 \node[ellipse,draw=debianblue](dezsk) at (0em,0em) {ZSK};
366 \node[ellipse,draw=black](deds) at (0em,-3em) {DS};
368 \node[ellipse,draw=debianred](sicceggeksk) at (9em,3em) {KSK};
369 \node[ellipse,draw=debianblue](sicceggezsk) at (9em,0em) {ZSK};
370 \node[ellipse,draw=black](arecord) at (6.5em,-2em) {\tiny{A}};
371 \node[ellipse,draw=black](aaaarecord) at (8em,-3em) {\tiny{AAAA}};
372 \node[ellipse,draw=black](sshfprecord) at (10.5em,-4em) {\tiny{SSHFP}};
374 \draw[arrow,draw=black] (rootds.south) |- ++(0,-2em) -| ([xshift=1em]rootzone.east)
375 |- ([xshift=4.5em,yshift=1em]rootzone.north) -| (deksk.north);
376 \draw[arrow,draw=black] (deds.south) |- ++(0,-2em) -| ([xshift=1em]dezone.east)
377 |- ([xshift=4.5em,yshift=1em]dezone.north) -| (sicceggeksk.north);
379 \draw[arrow,draw=debianred] (rootksk.south) -- (rootzsk.north);
380 \draw[arrow,draw=debianred] (deksk.south) -- (dezsk.north);
381 \draw[arrow,draw=debianred] (sicceggeksk.south) -- (sicceggezsk.north);
383 \draw[arrow,draw=debianblue] (rootzsk) -- (rootds);
384 \draw[arrow,draw=debianblue] (dezsk) -- (deds);
385 \draw[arrow,draw=debianblue] (sicceggezsk) -- (arecord);
386 \draw[arrow,draw=debianblue] (sicceggezsk) -- (aaaarecord);
387 \draw[arrow,draw=debianblue] (sicceggezsk) -- (sshfprecord);
388 \end{tikzpicture}
389 \end{figure}
390 \end{frame}
392 \begin{frame}
393 \frametitle{RRSIG}
394 \begin{block}{siccegge.de}\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\texttt{
395 \begin{tabular}{llll}
396 siccegge.de. & IN & A &\\
397 siccegge.de. & IN & RRSIG & A 8 2 43200 20140908181927 20140809171927 60018 siccegge.de.\\
398 &
399 \multicolumn{3}{l}{zldkAFJKKV4/gkmZ8DZkV7AT6nIt4mLXjClJwSnGqvrlBWEzc9h3knLMa9iJeEh01ZEZcWi+JRD/vVVNqBg4P1}\\
400 & \multicolumn{3}{l}{vCGsiPDvzBvO+gq0wtxPPpouNZA9r9h9in4sB3Vw/6HpMcqp843mB+B5SGQZkALDsVCcoY4J0/rPWPXYGHQkA=}\\
401 \end{tabular}}}
402 \end{block}
403 \end{frame}
405 \begin{frame}
406 \frametitle{Schlüsseltausch}
407 \begin{block}{Idee}
408 Wechsle die Schlüssel regelmäßig. Damit lassen sich auch kleine,
409 effizientere Schlüssel verwenden (DNS verwendet UDP!). Auch in
410 Sachen ``Revocation'' nützlich
411 \end{block}
412 \bigskip\pause
413 Schlüssel wechseln in DNS ist nicht so einfach: \pause Stichpunkt
414 \texttt{TTL}
415 \bigskip\pause
417 2 Methoden:
418 \begin{itemize}
419 \item Neuen Schlüssel vor der Verwendung veröffentlichen
420 \item Vorübergehend die Daten mit beiden Schlüsseln signieren
421 \end{itemize}
422 \end{frame}
424 \section{NSEC und NSEC3}
425 \begin{frame}
426 \frametitle{Negative antworten}
428 \begin{block}{Problem}
429 Mit den \texttt{RRSIG}s lassen sich bestehende Einträge im DNS
430 bestätigen. Es ist aber immer noch möglich, Einträge
431 ``verschwinden'' zu lassen. Was also noch fehlt ist die
432 Möglichkeit, die nicht-Existenz von Einträgen zu signieren.
433 \end{block}
434 \end{frame}
436 %TODO Why
437 \begin{frame}<1>[label=nsec]
438 \frametitle{NSEC (Next SECure}
439 \begin{itemize}
440 \item<1-> Bilde einen Kreis, der alle vorhandenen Einträge umfasst
441 \item<2-> Speichere signierte Feststellung, dass zwischen zwei Namen
442 kein dritter liegt
443 \item<2-> Bei negativer Antwort (\texttt{NXDOMAIN}) sende auch den
444 signierten \texttt{NSEC} Eintrag in dessen Interval die Antwort
445 liegen würde\pause\bigskip
446 \item<3> ``Zonewalking'' auflistung aller Einträge in einer Zone
447 \end{itemize}
448 \end{frame}
450 \begin{frame}<-3>[label=ring]
451 \begin{figure}
452 \centering
453 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.9]
454 \onslide<3>{
455 \fill[debianred!10] (165:17mm) arc (165:215:17mm) -- (215:27mm)
456 arc (215:165:27mm) -- cycle;
458 \path[decoration = {text along path, text = {NSEC},
459 text align = {align = center}, raise = -0.5ex}, decorate]
460 (201:29mm) arc (201:155:29mm);
461 }
463 \onslide<6>{
464 \fill[debianred!10] (123:17mm) arc (123:172:17mm) -- (172:27mm)
465 arc (172:123:27mm) -- cycle;
467 \path[decoration = {text along path, text = {NSEC3},
468 text align = {align = center}, raise = -0.5ex}, decorate]
469 (180:14mm) arc (180:123:14mm);
470 }
472 \foreach \sector/\sectorlabel/\hash/\hashlabel in {%
473 0/annex/5kau\dots/keyserver,
474 1/backup/evj1\dots/www,
475 2/git/imua\dots/git,
476 3/keyserver/mk9e\dots/wot,
477 4/static/nq8c\dots/backup,
478 5/webdav/qp1c\dots/static,
479 6/wot/thm6\dots/webdav,
480 7/www/uv8c\dots/annex}%
481 {
482 \node[font=\bfseries](node\sector) at ({45 * (-\sector - .5)}: 22mm) {\alt<-4>{\sectorlabel}{\hash}};
484 \draw[->, >=latex] ({45 * (-\sector - .5)-10}:22mm)
485 arc ({45 * (-\sector - .5) - 10}:{45 * (-\sector-1)- 10}:22mm);
487 \onslide<5->{
488 \node[font=\bfseries, circle, fill=debianblue!50, text=darkgray](hash\sector) at ({45 * (-\sector -
489 .5) + 15}:32mm) {H};
491 \node[font=\bfseries](orig\sector) at ({45 * (-\sector -
492 .5) + 25}: 45mm) {\hashlabel};
493 \draw[arrow, draw=darkgray] (hash\sector) -- (node\sector);)
494 \draw[arrow, draw=darkgray] (orig\sector) -- (hash\sector);)
495 }
496 }
497 \onslide<2->{
498 \node[font=\bfseries, left=8em of node3](null) {null};
499 }
500 \onslide<2-3>{
501 \draw[arrow] (null.east) -- ([yshift=1.5em]node3.west);
502 }
503 \onslide<5->{
504 \node[font=\bfseries, circle, fill=debianblue!50, above=3em
505 of null.north, xshift=2em, text=darkgray] (H) {H};
506 \draw[arrow, draw=darkgray] (null) -- (H);
507 \draw[arrow] (H) to node[above,font=\bfseries]{qfna\dots} ([yshift=1.5em]node4.north);
508 }
509 \end{tikzpicture}
510 \end{figure}
511 \end{frame}
513 \againframe<2->{nsec}
515 \begin{frame}<1>[label=nsec3]
516 \frametitle{NSEC3}
518 \begin{itemize}
519 \item Statt Einträge in einem Ring anzuordnen, bilde zuerst eine
520 kryptographische Streusumme \pause
521 \item Verwende Salz und mehrere Runden der Streufunktion für
522 maximalen Effekt.
523 \end{itemize}\bigskip
524 \begin{block}{git.siccegge.de}\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\texttt{
525 \begin{tabular}{llll}
526 siccegge.de. & IN & NSEC3PARAM & 1 0 5 6D1DAF17E2A6A252
527 \end{tabular}}}
528 \end{block}
529 \end{frame}
531 \againframe<4->{ring}
533 \againframe<2->{nsec3}
535 \begin{frame}
536 \frametitle{Überprüfung negativer Antworten}
537 \begin{block}{Ziel}
538 Es ist trivial, in der \texttt{de}-Zone zu zeigen, dass dort
539 \texttt{www.siccegge.de} nicht existiert -- obwohl der name
540 durchaus vorhanden ist (allerdings nicht in der \texttt{de}-Zone
541 sondern in der \texttt{siccegge.de}-Zone). Wir müssen also auch
542 zeigen, dass wir in der ``richtigen'' Zone operieren.
543 \end{block}\pause
544 \begin{block}{``Closest Encloser''}
545 Daher 3 \texttt{NSEC3}-Einträge:
546 \begin{itemize}
547 \item Für die kürzeste, nicht mehr existente Oberdomäne zur
548 Anfrage, den \texttt{NSEC3}-Eintrag, der das Intervall überspannt.
549 \item den um eine Komponente gekürzten \texttt{NSEC3}-Eintrag, der
550 entweder \emph{keinen} \texttt{NS}-Eintrag oder auch das Flag
551 für \texttt{SOA} enthält.\pause
552 \item den \texttt{NSEC3}-Eintrag, der das Fehlen eines
553 Wildcard-Eintrags an dieser Stelle nachweist.
554 \end{itemize}
555 \end{block}
556 \end{frame}
558 \begin{frame}
559 \frametitle{Negative Antwort}
560 \begin{block}{siccegge.de hat SOA}\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\texttt{
561 \begin{tabular}{rl}
562 4ma0fb5t2s6kjtgc6r3qi4o49bn7pc4i.siccegge.de. & 3573 IN NSEC3 1 0 5 6D1DAF17E2A6A252 \\
564 \end{tabular}}}
565 \end{block}
566 \texttt{null.siccegge.de} hat den Hash-Wert \texttt{qfna56rlmnlbp3e85m4d6ckonnmpfg1i}
567 \begin{block}{null.siccegge.de existiert nicht}\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\texttt{
568 \begin{tabular}{rl}
569 qd2uevk27c2tdrh6535e0mkiratu1t5h.siccegge.de. & 3600 IN NSEC3 1 0 5 6D1DAF17E2A6A252 \\
571 \end{tabular}}}
572 \end{block}
573 \texttt{*.siccegge.de} hat den Hash-Wert \texttt{68m2atv9712l3e67oua61u5hp0v0273a.}
574 \begin{block}{*.siccegge.de existiert nicht }\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\texttt{
575 \begin{tabular}{rl}
576 63r09adu0p1vdmkif5eb4dr6m2a3l5cp.siccegge.de. & 3600 IN NSEC3 1 0 5 6D1DAF17E2A6A252 \\
577 6BJ555D3Q50SL34D50L1PGU887R73DC9 & RRSIG TLSA \\
578 \end{tabular}}}
579 \end{block}
580 \end{frame}
582 \section{Zusatznutzen}
583 \begin{frame}{DANE}
584 Nachdem unser DNS jetzt kryptographisch abgesichert ist (auch nicht
585 schlechter als das CA System) kann man dort jetzt sicher weiteres
586 Schlüsselmaterial ausliefern:
587 \begin{itemize}
588 \item TLSA für alles was SSL/TLS macht
589 \item SSHFP für SSH Fingerprints
590 \item PGP-Schlüssel-Enträge
591 \item \dots
592 \end{itemize}
593 \end{frame}
595 \begin{frame}
596 \frametitle{TLSA}
597 \begin{block}{TLSA}\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\texttt{
598 \begin{tabular}{llll}
599 \_25.\_tcp.oteiza.siccegge.de. & IN & TLSA & 3 1 1
600 101B5B5CCDC5568CEC385552611FD0355BF15DB293E96F46E29DE4A0C4B2BC3F \\
601 \_443.\_tcp.siccegge.de. & IN & TLSA & 3 1 1
602 62BEBD9F2E77CF26A4006A50F69FC3891BF7BEDDAEF8AC96E57C1D9BA2AB1F73 \\
603 \_5222.\_tcp.xmpp.egger.im & IN & TLSA & 3 1 1 9c93fab0d88c911592dedfa7f9385aeee228b0c6d526813ad1182c983677736b
604 \end{tabular}}}
605 \end{block}
606 \bigskip\pause
607 Achtung! Beim Schlüsseltausch gibt's wieder Spass.
608 \bigskip\pause
609 \begin{itemize}
610 \item 3: Bezeichnet ein Service Zertifikat
611 \item 1: Angegeben wird der öffentlich Schlüssel, nicht das
612 Zertifikat
613 \item 1: Angegeben wird eine \texttt{SHA256}-Summe
614 \end{itemize}
615 \end{frame}
617 \begin{frame}
618 \frametitle{SSHFP}
619 \begin{block}{git.siccegge.de}\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\texttt{
620 \begin{tabular}{lll}
621 git.siccegge.de & IN & SSHFP 1 1 0E812EE0A3704230F3C415076E1BAA149A5DC75B\\
622 git.siccegge.de & IN & SSHFP 1 2 1CBACAF365040DC1DF841FD07D9186BC343D4AF7DCF689CC8CF4A2F75D7F4B57\\
623 git.siccegge.de & IN & SSHFP 3 1 A2D0495E912DA039EEA51A1593F7F74FB919AAD4\\
624 git.siccegge.de & IN & SSHFP 3 2 9BF73E3654AA65B847054247F85EFB5C88AB7460840B9C922E647B00696661CF\\
625 git.siccegge.de & IN & SSHFP 4 1 2A3EF64AC589193ACFAD783B62E3C193A67F3F46\\
626 git.siccegge.de & IN & SSHFP 4 2 880686195D6C1AAA6791F3A3EF4E7B565DCF9F560F2F1BBB93C56EFD5996F335\\
627 \end{tabular}}}
628 \end{block}
629 \bigskip\pause
630 \begin{itemize}
631 \item Erste Zahl: Hostkeytyp
632 \item Zweite Zahl: Prüfsummentyp
633 \end{itemize}
634 \end{frame}
636 \section{Software}
637 \begin{frame}{Überblick}
638 \begin{block}{Nameserver}
639 Müssen zusätzliche Einträge ausliefern (\texttt{RRSIG},
640 \texttt{NSEC3}). Für \texttt{NSEC3} müssen die richtigen Einträge
641 gefunden wernden
642 \end{block}\pause
643 \begin{block}{Signaturwerkzeuge}
644 \begin{itemize}
645 \item Müssen \texttt{RRSIG}s für die vorhandenen Einträge
646 erstellen und gelegentlich erneuern
647 \item Müssen die \texttt{NSEC3}- und \texttt{NSEC3PARAM}-Einträge
648 erstellen und signieren
649 \item Sollten möglichkeit zum Schlüsseltausch beiten
650 \end{itemize}
651 \end{block}\pause
652 \begin{block}{Registrar}
653 Irgendwie müssen die Schlüssel in die darüberliegende Zone
654 kommen. Wenige Registrare haben das schon im Interface vorgesehen,
655 etliche lassen sich aber per Mail an den Support überreden
656 \end{block}
657 \end{frame}
659 \begin{frame}{Nameserver}
660 \begin{block}{Software}
661 Alle nennenswerten Nameserver (nsd, bind, powerdns, knot, \dots) können heutzutage DNSSEC ausliefern.
662 \end{block}\pause
663 \begin{block}{Sekundärserver}
664 Kaum ein kostenfreier Sekundärserveranbieter unterstützt DNSSEC --
665 das liegt unter anderem an den deutlich größeren Antworten und dem
666 Rechenbedarf für \texttt{NSEC3}, die signifikant Resourcen
667 verbrauchen.
669 $\Rightarrow$ Selber hosten (mit Freunden), beim Registrar schauen
670 oder bezahlen.
671 \end{block}
672 \end{frame}
674 \begin{frame}{Signaturwerkzeuge}
675 Im Grunde gibt es zwei Typen von Signaturwerkzeugen
676 \begin{block}{Im primären Nameserver}
677 BIND, Knot, PowerDNS
678 \begin{description}
679 \item[Vorteile] Keine weiteren Werkzeuge, dynamische Updatesmöglich
680 \item[Nachteile] Schlüsselmaterial im Netzwerkserver, bestehende
681 Implementierungen unflexibel in Sachen Schlüsselrotation
682 \end{description}
683 \end{block}\pause
684 \begin{block}{Separates Signaturwerkzeug}
685 OpenDNSSEC, dnssec-tools, cron
686 \begin{description}
687 \item[Vorteile] Flexibel, Signaturlösung Nameserver-agnostisch
688 \item[Nachteile] Softwarequalität \dots, weiteres Element, das
689 kaputt gehen kann
690 \end{description}
691 \end{block}
692 \end{frame}
694 \begin{frame}{Fragen?}
695 Download: https://static.siccegge.de/talks/dnssec-erlug-2015-02-28.pdf\\
696 https://git.siccegge.de/?p=talk/dnssec.git
698 \vspace*{\fill}
699 \begin{center}
700 \includegraphics[width=7cm]{images/42.pdf}
701 \end{center}
702 \vspace*{\fill}
703 \end{frame}
705 \end{document}