]> git.siccegge.de Git - forks/vmdebootstrap.git/blob - vmdebootstrap
Add freebsd-variant of mounting dev, proc and sys in chroots
[forks/vmdebootstrap.git] / vmdebootstrap
1 #! /usr/bin/python
2 # Copyright 2011-2013 Lars Wirzenius
3 # Copyright 2012 Codethink Limited
4 # Copyright 2014-2015 Neil Williams <codehelp@debian.org>
5 #
6 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 # (at your option) any later version.
10 #
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
15 #
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 import cliapp
20 import crypt
21 import logging
22 import os
23 import glob
24 import re
25 import sys
26 import shutil
27 import datetime
28 import subprocess
29 import tempfile
30 import time
31 from distro_info import DebianDistroInfo, UbuntuDistroInfo
34 __version__ = '0.11'
36 # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long,missing-docstring,too-many-branches
39 class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
41 def __init__(self, progname=None, version=__version__, description=None, epilog=None):
42 super(VmDebootstrap, self).__init__(progname, version, description, epilog)
43 self.remove_dirs = []
44 self.mount_points = []
45 self.debian_info = DebianDistroInfo()
46 self.ubuntu_info = UbuntuDistroInfo()
47 self.bootdir = None
48 self.efi_arch_table = {
49 'amd64': {
50 'removable': '/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi', # destination location
51 'install': '/EFI/debian/grubx64.efi', # package location
52 'package': 'grub-efi-amd64', # bootstrap package
53 'bin_package': 'grub-efi-amd64-bin', # binary only
54 'extra': 'i386', # architecture to add binary package
55 'exclusive': False, # only EFI supported for this arch.
56 'target': 'x86_64-efi', # grub target name
57 },
58 'i386': {
59 'removable': '/EFI/boot/bootia32.efi',
60 'install': '/EFI/debian/grubia32.efi',
61 'package': 'grub-efi-ia32',
62 'bin_package': 'grub-efi-ia32-bin',
63 'extra': None,
64 'exclusive': False,
65 'target': 'i386-efi',
66 },
67 'arm64': {
68 'removable': '/EFI/boot/bootaa64.efi',
69 'install': '/EFI/debian/grubaa64.efi',
70 'package': 'grub-efi-arm64',
71 'bin_package': 'grub-efi-arm64-bin',
72 'extra': None,
73 'exclusive': True,
74 'target': 'arm64-efi',
75 }
76 }
78 def add_settings(self):
79 default_arch = subprocess.check_output(
80 ["dpkg", "--print-architecture"]).strip()
82 self.settings.boolean(
83 ['verbose'], 'report what is going on')
84 self.settings.string(
85 ['image'], 'put created disk image in FILE',
86 metavar='FILE')
87 self.settings.bytesize(
88 ['size'],
89 'create a disk image of size SIZE (%default)',
90 metavar='SIZE',
91 default='1G')
92 self.settings.bytesize(
93 ['bootsize'],
94 'create boot partition of size SIZE (%default)',
95 metavar='BOOTSIZE',
96 default='0%')
97 self.settings.string(
98 ['boottype'],
99 'specify file system type for /boot/',
100 default='ext2')
101 self.settings.bytesize(
102 ['bootoffset'],
103 'Space to leave at start of the image for bootloader',
104 default='0')
105 self.settings.boolean(
106 ['use-uefi'],
107 'Setup image for UEFI boot',
108 default=False)
109 self.settings.bytesize(
110 ['esp-size'],
111 'Size of EFI System Partition - requires use-uefi',
112 default='5mib')
113 self.settings.string(
114 ['part-type'],
115 'Partition type to use for this image',
116 default='msdos')
117 self.settings.string(
118 ['roottype'],
119 'specify file system type for /',
120 default='ext4')
121 self.settings.bytesize(
122 ['swap'],
123 'create swap space of size SIZE (min 256Mb)')
124 self.settings.string(
125 ['foreign'],
126 'set up foreign debootstrap environment using provided program (ie binfmt handler)')
127 self.settings.string(
128 ['variant'],
129 'select debootstrap variant if not using the default [deprecated]')
130 self.settings.string_list(
131 ['debootstrapopts'],
132 'pass additional options to debootstrap'),
133 self.settings.boolean(
134 ['extlinux'],
135 'install extlinux?',
136 default=True)
137 self.settings.string(
138 ['tarball'],
139 "tar up the disk's contents in FILE",
140 metavar='FILE')
141 self.settings.string(
142 ['apt-mirror'],
143 'configure apt to use MIRROR',
144 metavar='URL')
145 self.settings.string(
146 ['mirror'],
147 'use MIRROR as package source (%default)',
148 metavar='URL',
149 default='http://http.debian.net/debian/')
150 self.settings.string(
151 ['arch'],
152 'architecture to use (%default)',
153 metavar='ARCH',
154 default=default_arch)
155 self.settings.string(
156 ['distribution'],
157 'release to use (%default)',
158 metavar='NAME',
159 default='stable')
160 self.settings.string_list(
161 ['package'],
162 'install PACKAGE onto system')
163 self.settings.string_list(
164 ['custom-package'],
165 'install package in DEB file onto system (not from mirror)',
166 metavar='DEB')
167 self.settings.boolean(
168 ['no-kernel'],
169 'do not install a linux package')
170 self.settings.string(
171 ['kernel-package'],
172 'install PACKAGE instead of the default kernel package',
173 metavar='PACKAGE')
174 self.settings.boolean(
175 ['enable-dhcp'],
176 'enable DHCP on eth0')
177 self.settings.string(
178 ['root-password'],
179 'set root password',
180 metavar='PASSWORD')
181 self.settings.boolean(
182 ['lock-root-password'],
183 'lock root account so they cannot login?')
184 self.settings.string(
185 ['customize'],
186 'run SCRIPT after setting up system',
187 metavar='SCRIPT')
188 self.settings.string(
189 ['hostname'],
190 'set name to HOSTNAME (%default)',
191 metavar='HOSTNAME',
192 default='debian')
193 self.settings.string_list(
194 ['user'],
195 'create USER with PASSWORD',
196 metavar='USER/PASSWORD')
197 self.settings.boolean(
198 ['serial-console'],
199 'configure image to use a serial console')
200 self.settings.string(
201 ['serial-console-command'],
202 'command to manage the serial console, appended to /etc/inittab (%default)',
203 metavar='COMMAND',
204 default='/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100')
205 self.settings.boolean(
206 ['sudo'],
207 'install sudo, and if user is created, add them to sudo group')
208 self.settings.string(
209 ['owner'],
210 'the user who will own the image when the build is complete.')
211 self.settings.boolean(
212 ['squash'],
213 'use squashfs on the final image.')
214 self.settings.boolean(
215 ['configure-apt'],
216 'Create an apt source based on the distribution and mirror selected.')
217 self.settings.boolean(
218 ['mbr'],
219 'Run install-mbr (default if extlinux used)')
220 self.settings.boolean(
221 ['grub'],
222 'Install and configure grub2 - disables extlinux.')
223 self.settings.boolean(
224 ['sparse'],
225 'Do not fill the image with zeros to keep a sparse disk image',
226 default=False)
227 self.settings.boolean(
228 ['pkglist'],
229 'Create a list of package names included in the image.')
230 self.settings.boolean(
231 ['no-acpid'],
232 'do not install the acpid package',
233 default=False)
235 def process_args(self, args): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements
236 if not self.settings['image'] and not self.settings['tarball']:
237 raise cliapp.AppException(
238 'You must give disk image filename, or tarball filename')
239 if self.settings['image'] and not self.settings['size']:
240 raise cliapp.AppException(
241 'If disk image is specified, you must give image size.')
242 if not self.debian_info.valid(self.settings['distribution']):
243 if not self.ubuntu_info.valid(self.settings['distribution']):
244 raise cliapp.AppException(
245 '%s is not a valid Debian or Ubuntu suite or codename.'
246 % self.settings['distribution'])
247 if not self.settings['use-uefi'] and self.settings['esp-size'] != 5242880:
248 raise cliapp.AppException(
249 'You must specify use-uefi for esp-size to have effect')
250 if self.settings['arch'] in self.efi_arch_table and\
251 self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['exclusive'] and\
252 not self.settings['use-uefi']:
253 raise cliapp.AppException(
254 'Only UEFI is supported on %s' % self.settings['arch'])
255 elif self.settings['use-uefi'] and self.settings['arch'] not in self.efi_arch_table:
256 raise cliapp.AppException(
257 '%s is not a supported UEFI architecture' % self.settings['arch'])
258 if self.settings['use-uefi'] and (
259 self.settings['bootsize'] or
260 self.settings['bootoffset']):
261 raise cliapp.AppException(
262 'A separate boot partition is not supported with UEFI')
264 if self.settings['use-uefi'] and not self.settings['grub']:
265 raise cliapp.AppException(
266 'UEFI without Grub is not supported.')
268 # wheezy (which became oldstable on 04/25/2015) only had amd64 uefi
269 if self.was_oldstable(datetime.date(2015, 4, 26)):
270 if self.settings['use-uefi'] and self.settings['arch'] != 'amd64':
271 raise cliapp.AppException(
272 'Only amd64 supports UEFI in Wheezy')
274 if os.geteuid() != 0:
275 sys.exit("You need to have root privileges to run this script.")
276 rootdir = None
277 try:
278 rootdev = None
279 roottype = self.settings['roottype']
280 bootdev = None
281 boottype = None
282 if self.settings['image']:
283 self.create_empty_image()
284 self.partition_image()
285 if self.settings['mbr'] or self.settings['extlinux']:
286 self.install_mbr()
287 (rootdev, bootdev, swapdev) = self.setup_kpartx()
288 if self.settings['swap'] > 0:
289 self.message("Creating swap space")
290 self.runcmd(['mkswap', swapdev])
291 self.mkfs(rootdev, fstype=roottype)
292 rootdir = self.mount(rootdev)
293 if self.settings['use-uefi']:
294 self.bootdir = '%s/%s/%s' % (rootdir, 'boot', 'efi')
295 logging.debug("bootdir:%s", self.bootdir)
296 self.mkfs(bootdev, fstype='vfat')
297 os.makedirs(self.bootdir)
298 self.mount(bootdev, self.bootdir)
299 elif bootdev:
300 if self.settings['boottype']:
301 boottype = self.settings['boottype']
302 else:
303 boottype = 'ext2'
304 self.mkfs(bootdev, fstype=boottype)
305 self.bootdir = '%s/%s' % (rootdir, 'boot/')
306 os.mkdir(self.bootdir)
307 self.mount(bootdev, self.bootdir)
308 else:
309 rootdir = self.mkdtemp()
310 self.debootstrap(rootdir)
311 self.set_hostname(rootdir)
312 self.create_fstab(rootdir, rootdev, roottype, bootdev, boottype)
313 self.install_debs(rootdir)
314 self.set_root_password(rootdir)
315 self.create_users(rootdir)
316 self.remove_udev_persistent_rules(rootdir)
317 self.setup_networking(rootdir)
318 if self.settings['configure-apt'] or self.settings['apt-mirror']:
319 self.configure_apt(rootdir)
320 self.customize(rootdir)
321 self.cleanup_apt_cache(rootdir)
322 self.update_initramfs(rootdir)
324 if self.settings['image']:
325 if self.settings['use-uefi']:
326 self.install_grub_uefi(rootdir)
327 elif self.settings['grub']:
328 self.install_grub2(rootdev, rootdir)
329 elif self.settings['extlinux']:
330 self.install_extlinux(rootdev, rootdir)
331 self.append_serial_console(rootdir)
332 self.optimize_image(rootdir)
333 if self.settings['squash']:
334 self.squash()
335 if self.settings['pkglist']:
336 self.list_installed_pkgs(rootdir)
338 if self.settings['foreign']:
339 os.unlink('%s/usr/bin/%s' %
340 (rootdir, os.path.basename(self.settings['foreign'])))
342 if self.settings['tarball']:
343 self.create_tarball(rootdir)
345 if self.settings['owner']:
346 self.chown()
347 except BaseException as e:
348 self.message('EEEK! Something bad happened...')
349 if rootdir:
350 db_log = os.path.join(rootdir, 'debootstrap', 'debootstrap.log')
351 if os.path.exists(db_log):
352 shutil.copy(db_log, os.getcwd())
353 self.message(e)
354 self.cleanup_system()
355 raise
356 else:
357 self.cleanup_system()
359 def message(self, msg):
360 logging.info(msg)
361 if self.settings['verbose']:
362 print msg
364 def runcmd(self, argv, stdin='', ignore_fail=False, env=None, **kwargs):
365 logging.debug('runcmd: %s %s %s', argv, env, kwargs)
366 p = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
367 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
368 env=env, **kwargs)
369 out, err = p.communicate(stdin)
370 if p.returncode != 0:
371 msg = 'command failed: %s\n%s\n%s' % (argv, out, err)
372 logging.error(msg)
373 if not ignore_fail:
374 raise cliapp.AppException(msg)
375 return out
377 def mkdtemp(self):
378 dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp()
379 self.remove_dirs.append(dirname)
380 logging.debug('mkdir %s', dirname)
381 return dirname
383 def mount(self, device, path=None):
384 if not path:
385 mount_point = self.mkdtemp()
386 else:
387 mount_point = path
388 self.message('Mounting %s on %s' % (device, mount_point))
389 self.runcmd(['mount', device, mount_point])
390 self.mount_points.append(mount_point)
391 logging.debug('mounted %s on %s', device, mount_point)
392 return mount_point
394 def create_empty_image(self):
395 self.message('Creating disk image')
396 self.runcmd(['qemu-img', 'create', '-f', 'raw',
397 self.settings['image'],
398 str(self.settings['size'])])
400 def partition_image(self):
401 """
402 Uses fat16 (msdos) partitioning by default, use part-type to change.
403 If bootoffset is specified, the first actual partition
404 starts at that offset to allow customisation scripts to
405 put bootloader images into the space, e.g. u-boot.
406 """
407 self.message('Creating partitions')
408 self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
409 'mklabel', self.settings['part-type']])
410 partoffset = 0
411 extent = '100%'
412 swap = 256 * 1024 * 1024
413 if self.settings['swap'] > 0:
414 if self.settings['swap'] > swap:
415 swap = self.settings['swap']
416 else:
417 # minimum 256Mb as default qemu ram is 128Mb
418 logging.debug("Setting minimum 256Mb swap space")
419 extent = "%s%%" % int(100 * (self.settings['size'] - swap) / self.settings['size'])
421 if self.settings['use-uefi']:
422 espsize = self.settings['esp-size'] / (1024 * 1024)
423 self.message("Using ESP size: %smib %s bytes" % (espsize, self.settings['esp-size']))
424 self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
425 'mkpart', 'primary', 'fat32',
426 '1', str(espsize)])
427 self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
428 'set', '1', 'boot', 'on'])
429 self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
430 'set', '1', 'esp', 'on'])
432 if self.settings['bootoffset'] and self.settings['bootoffset'] is not '0':
433 # turn v.small offsets into something at least possible to create.
434 if self.settings['bootoffset'] < 1048576:
435 partoffset = 1
436 logging.info(
437 "Setting bootoffset %smib to allow for %s bytes",
438 partoffset, self.settings['bootoffset'])
439 else:
440 partoffset = self.settings['bootoffset'] / (1024 * 1024)
441 self.message("Using bootoffset: %smib %s bytes" % (partoffset, self.settings['bootoffset']))
442 if self.settings['bootsize'] and self.settings['bootsize'] is not '0%':
443 if self.settings['grub'] and not partoffset:
444 partoffset = 1
445 bootsize = self.settings['bootsize'] / (1024 * 1024)
446 bootsize += partoffset
447 self.message("Using bootsize %smib: %s bytes" % (bootsize, self.settings['bootsize']))
448 logging.debug("Starting boot partition at %sMb", bootsize)
449 self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
450 'mkpart', 'primary', 'fat16', str(partoffset), str(bootsize)])
451 logging.debug("Starting root partition at %sMb", partoffset)
452 self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
453 'mkpart', 'primary', str(bootsize), extent])
454 elif self.settings['use-uefi']:
455 bootsize = self.settings['esp-size'] / (1024 * 1024) + 1
456 self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
457 'mkpart', 'primary', str(bootsize), extent])
458 else:
459 self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
460 'mkpart', 'primary', '0%', extent])
461 self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
462 'set', '1', 'boot', 'on'])
463 if self.settings['swap'] > 0:
464 logging.debug("Creating swap partition")
465 self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
466 'mkpart', 'primary', 'linux-swap', extent, '100%'])
468 def update_initramfs(self, rootdir):
469 cmd = os.path.join('usr', 'sbin', 'update-initramfs')
470 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(rootdir, cmd)):
471 self.message("Updating the initramfs")
472 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, cmd, '-u'])
474 def install_mbr(self):
475 if os.path.exists("/sbin/install-mbr"):
476 self.message('Installing MBR')
477 self.runcmd(['install-mbr', self.settings['image']])
478 else:
479 msg = "mbr enabled but /sbin/install-mbr not found" \
480 " - please install the mbr package."
481 raise cliapp.AppException(msg)
483 def setup_kpartx(self):
484 bootindex = None
485 swapindex = None
486 if 'freebsd' in os.sys.platform:
487 out = self.runcmd(['mdconfig', '-a', '-t', 'vnode', '-f',
488 self.settings['image']])
489 else:
490 out = self.runcmd(['kpartx', '-avs', self.settings['image']])
491 if self.settings['bootsize'] and self.settings['swap'] > 0:
492 bootindex = 0
493 rootindex = 1
494 swapindex = 2
495 parts = 3
496 elif self.settings['use-uefi']:
497 bootindex = 0
498 rootindex = 1
499 parts = 2
500 elif self.settings['use-uefi'] and self.settings['swap'] > 0:
501 bootindex = 0
502 rootindex = 1
503 swapindex = 2
504 parts = 3
505 elif self.settings['bootsize']:
506 bootindex = 0
507 rootindex = 1
508 parts = 2
509 elif self.settings['swap'] > 0:
510 rootindex = 0
511 swapindex = 1
512 parts = 2
513 else:
514 rootindex = 0
515 parts = 1
516 boot = None
517 swap = None
518 if 'freebsd' in os.sys.platform:
519 devices = glob.glob("/dev/%ss*" % out.strip())
520 else:
521 devices = ['/dev/mapper/%s' % line.split()[2]
522 for line in out.splitlines()
523 if line.startswith('add map ')]
524 if len(devices) != parts:
525 msg = 'Surprising number of partitions - check output of losetup -a'
526 logging.debug("%s", self.runcmd(['losetup', '-a']))
527 logging.debug("%s: devices=%s parts=%s", msg, devices, parts)
528 raise cliapp.AppException(msg)
529 root = devices[rootindex]
530 if self.settings['bootsize'] or self.settings['use-uefi']:
531 boot = devices[bootindex]
532 if self.settings['swap'] > 0:
533 swap = devices[swapindex]
534 return root, boot, swap
536 def _efi_packages(self):
537 packages = []
538 pkg = self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['package']
539 self.message("Adding %s" % pkg)
540 packages.append(pkg)
541 extra = self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['extra']
542 if extra and isinstance(extra, str):
543 bin_pkg = self.efi_arch_table[str(extra)]['bin_package']
544 self.message("Adding support for %s using %s" % (extra, bin_pkg))
545 packages.append(bin_pkg)
546 return packages
548 def _copy_efi_binary(self, efi_removable, efi_install):
549 logging.debug("using bootdir=%s", self.bootdir)
550 logging.debug("moving %s to %s", efi_removable, efi_install)
551 if efi_removable.startswith('/'):
552 efi_removable = efi_removable[1:]
553 if efi_install.startswith('/'):
554 efi_install = efi_install[1:]
555 efi_output = os.path.join(self.bootdir, efi_removable)
556 efi_input = os.path.join(self.bootdir, efi_install)
557 if not os.path.exists(efi_input):
558 logging.warning("%s does not exist (%s)", efi_input, efi_install)
559 raise cliapp.AppException("Missing %s" % efi_install)
560 if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(efi_output)):
561 os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(efi_output))
562 logging.debug(
563 'Moving UEFI support: %s -> %s', efi_input, efi_output)
564 if os.path.exists(efi_output):
565 os.unlink(efi_output)
566 os.rename(efi_input, efi_output)
568 def configure_efi(self):
569 """
570 Copy the bootloader file from the package into the location
571 so needs to be after grub and kernel already installed.
572 """
573 self.message('Configuring EFI')
574 efi_removable = str(self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['removable'])
575 efi_install = str(self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['install'])
576 self.message('Installing UEFI support binary')
577 self._copy_efi_binary(efi_removable, efi_install)
579 def configure_extra_efi(self):
580 extra = str(self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['extra'])
581 if extra:
582 efi_removable = str(self.efi_arch_table[extra]['removable'])
583 efi_install = str(self.efi_arch_table[extra]['install'])
584 self.message('Copying UEFI support binary for %s' % extra)
585 self._copy_efi_binary(efi_removable, efi_install)
587 def mkfs(self, device, fstype):
588 self.message('Creating filesystem %s' % fstype)
589 self.runcmd(['mkfs', '-t', fstype, device])
591 def suite_to_codename(self, distro):
592 suite = self.debian_info.codename(distro, datetime.date.today())
593 if not suite:
594 return distro
595 return suite
597 def was_oldstable(self, limit):
598 suite = self.suite_to_codename(self.settings['distribution'])
599 # this check is only for debian
600 if not self.debian_info.valid(suite):
601 return False
602 return suite == self.debian_info.old(limit)
604 def was_stable(self, limit):
605 suite = self.suite_to_codename(self.settings['distribution'])
606 # this check is only for debian
607 if not self.debian_info.valid(suite):
608 return False
609 return suite == self.debian_info.stable(limit)
611 def debootstrap(self, rootdir): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
612 msg = "(%s)" % self.settings['variant'] if self.settings['variant'] else ''
613 self.message(
614 'Debootstrapping %s [%s] %s' % (
615 self.settings['distribution'], self.settings['arch'], msg))
617 include = self.settings['package']
619 if not self.settings['foreign'] and not self.settings['no-acpid']:
620 include.append('acpid')
622 if self.settings['grub']:
623 if self.settings['use-uefi']:
624 include.extend(self._efi_packages())
625 else:
626 include.append('grub-pc')
628 if not self.settings['no-kernel']:
629 if self.settings['kernel-package']:
630 kernel_image = self.settings['kernel-package']
631 else:
632 if self.settings['arch'] == 'i386':
633 # wheezy (which became oldstable on 04/25/2015) used '486'
634 if self.was_oldstable(datetime.date(2015, 4, 26)):
635 kernel_arch = '486'
636 else:
637 kernel_arch = '586'
638 elif self.settings['arch'] == 'armhf':
639 kernel_arch = 'armmp'
640 else:
641 kernel_arch = self.settings['arch']
642 kernel_image = 'linux-image-%s' % kernel_arch
643 include.append(kernel_image)
645 if self.settings['sudo'] and 'sudo' not in include:
646 include.append('sudo')
648 args = ['debootstrap', '--arch=%s' % self.settings['arch']]
650 if self.settings['package']:
651 args.append(
652 '--include=%s' % ','.join(include))
653 if self.settings['foreign']:
654 args.append('--foreign')
655 if self.settings['debootstrapopts']:
656 for opt in self.settings['debootstrapopts']:
657 for part in opt.split(' '):
658 args.append('--%s' % part)
659 elif self.settings['variant']:
660 args.append('--variant')
661 args.append(self.settings['variant'])
662 args += [self.settings['distribution'],
663 rootdir, self.settings['mirror']]
664 logging.debug(" ".join(args))
665 self.runcmd(args)
666 if self.settings['foreign']:
667 # set a noninteractive debconf environment for secondstage
668 env = {
669 "DEBIAN_FRONTEND": "noninteractive",
671 "LC_ALL": "C"
672 }
673 # add the mapping to the complete environment.
674 env.update(os.environ)
675 # First copy the binfmt handler over
676 self.message('Setting up binfmt handler')
677 shutil.copy(self.settings['foreign'], '%s/usr/bin/' % rootdir)
678 # Next, run the package install scripts etc.
679 self.message('Running debootstrap second stage')
680 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir,
681 '/debootstrap/debootstrap', '--second-stage'],
682 env=env)
684 def set_hostname(self, rootdir):
685 hostname = self.settings['hostname']
686 with open(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'hostname'), 'w') as f:
687 f.write('%s\n' % hostname)
689 etc_hosts = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'hosts')
690 try:
691 with open(etc_hosts, 'r') as f:
692 data = f.read()
693 with open(etc_hosts, 'w') as f:
694 for line in data.splitlines():
695 if line.startswith(''):
696 line += ' %s' % hostname
697 f.write('%s\n' % line)
698 except IOError:
699 pass
701 def create_fstab(self, rootdir, rootdev, roottype, bootdev, boottype): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
702 def fsuuid(device):
703 if 'freebsd' in os.sys.platform:
704 out = self.runcmd(['grub-probe', '-d', device, '-t', 'fs_uuid'])
705 return "/dev/ufsid/%s" % out.strip()
706 else:
707 out = self.runcmd(['blkid', '-c', '/dev/null', '-o', 'value',
708 '-s', 'UUID', device])
709 return "UUID=%s" % out.splitlines()[0].strip()
711 if rootdev:
712 rootdevstr = fsuuid(rootdev)
713 else:
714 rootdevstr = '/dev/sda1'
716 if bootdev and not self.settings['use-uefi']:
717 bootdevstr = fsuuid(bootdev)
718 else:
719 bootdevstr = None
721 fstab = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'fstab')
722 with open(fstab, 'w') as f:
723 f.write('proc /proc proc defaults 0 0\n')
724 f.write('%s / %s errors=remount-ro 0 1\n' % (rootdevstr, roottype))
725 if bootdevstr:
726 f.write('%s /boot %s errors=remount-ro 0 2\n' % (bootdevstr, boottype))
727 if self.settings['swap'] > 0:
728 f.write("/dev/sda3 swap swap defaults 0 0\n")
729 elif self.settings['swap'] > 0:
730 f.write("/dev/sda2 swap swap defaults 0 0\n")
732 def install_debs(self, rootdir):
733 if not self.settings['custom-package']:
734 return
735 self.message('Installing custom packages')
736 tmp = os.path.join(rootdir, 'tmp', 'install_debs')
737 os.mkdir(tmp)
738 for deb in self.settings['custom-package']:
739 shutil.copy(deb, tmp)
740 filenames = [os.path.join('/tmp/install_debs', os.path.basename(deb))
741 for deb in self.settings['custom-package']]
742 out, err, _ = \
743 self.runcmd_unchecked(['chroot', rootdir, 'dpkg', '-i'] + filenames)
744 logging.debug('stdout:\n%s', out)
745 logging.debug('stderr:\n%s', err)
746 out = self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir,
747 'apt-get', '-f', '--no-remove', 'install'])
748 logging.debug('stdout:\n%s', out)
749 shutil.rmtree(tmp)
751 def cleanup_apt_cache(self, rootdir):
752 out = self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'apt-get', 'clean'])
753 logging.debug('stdout:\n%s', out)
755 def set_root_password(self, rootdir):
756 if self.settings['root-password']:
757 self.message('Setting root password')
758 self.set_password(rootdir, 'root', self.settings['root-password'])
759 elif self.settings['lock-root-password']:
760 self.message('Locking root password')
761 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'passwd', '-l', 'root'])
762 else:
763 self.message('Give root an empty password')
764 self.delete_password(rootdir, 'root')
766 def create_users(self, rootdir):
767 def create_user(vmuser):
768 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'adduser', '--gecos', vmuser,
769 '--disabled-password', vmuser])
770 if self.settings['sudo']:
771 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'adduser', vmuser, 'sudo'])
773 for userpass in self.settings['user']:
774 if '/' in userpass:
775 user, password = userpass.split('/', 1)
776 create_user(user)
777 self.set_password(rootdir, user, password)
778 else:
779 create_user(userpass)
780 self.delete_password(rootdir, userpass)
782 def set_password(self, rootdir, user, password):
783 encrypted = crypt.crypt(password, '..')
784 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'usermod', '-p', encrypted, user])
786 def delete_password(self, rootdir, user):
787 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'passwd', '-d', user])
789 def remove_udev_persistent_rules(self, rootdir):
790 self.message('Removing udev persistent cd and net rules')
791 for x in ['70-persistent-cd.rules', '70-persistent-net.rules']:
792 pathname = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'udev', 'rules.d', x)
793 if os.path.exists(pathname):
794 logging.debug('rm %s', pathname)
795 os.remove(pathname)
796 else:
797 logging.debug('not removing non-existent %s', pathname)
799 def mask_udev_predictable_rules(self, rootdir):
800 """
801 This can be reset later but to get networking working immediately
802 on boot, the interface we're going to use must be known without
803 reference to the eventual machine.
804 http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/
805 """
806 self.message('Disabling systemd predictable interface names')
807 udev_path = os.path.join(
808 'etc', 'udev', 'rules.d', '80-net-setup-link.rules')
809 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'ln', '-s', '/dev/null', udev_path])
811 def setup_networking(self, rootdir):
812 self.message('Setting up networking')
813 ifc_file = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'network', 'interfaces')
814 ifc_d = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'network', 'interfaces.d')
816 # unconditionally write for wheezy (which became oldstable 2015.04.25)
817 if self.was_oldstable(datetime.date(2015, 4, 26)):
818 with open(ifc_file, 'w') as netfile:
819 netfile.write('source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*\n')
820 elif not os.path.exists(ifc_file):
821 with open(ifc_file, 'a') as netfile:
822 netfile.write('source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d\n')
824 if not os.path.exists(ifc_d):
825 os.mkdir(ifc_d)
826 ethpath = os.path.join(ifc_d, 'setup')
827 with open(ethpath, 'w') as eth:
828 eth.write('auto lo\n')
829 eth.write('iface lo inet loopback\n')
831 if self.settings['enable-dhcp']:
832 eth.write('\n')
833 eth.write('auto eth0\n')
834 eth.write('iface eth0 inet dhcp\n')
835 # force predictable interface names
836 self.mask_udev_predictable_rules(rootdir)
838 def append_serial_console(self, rootdir):
839 if self.settings['serial-console']:
840 serial_command = self.settings['serial-console-command']
841 logging.debug('adding getty to serial console')
842 inittab = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/inittab')
843 # to autologin, serial_command can contain '-a root'
844 with open(inittab, 'a') as f:
845 f.write('\nS0:23:respawn:%s\n' % serial_command)
847 # pylint: disable=no-self-use
848 def _grub_serial_console(self, rootdir):
849 cmdline = 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=tty0 console=tty1 console=ttyS0,38400n8"'
850 terminal = 'GRUB_TERMINAL="serial gfxterm"'
851 command = 'GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=38400 --unit=0 --parity=no --stop=1"'
852 grub_cfg = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'default', 'grub')
853 logging.debug("Allowing serial output in grub config %s", grub_cfg)
854 with open(grub_cfg, 'a+') as cfg:
855 cfg.write("# %s serial support\n" % os.path.basename(__file__))
856 cfg.write("%s\n" % cmdline)
857 cfg.write("%s\n" % terminal)
858 cfg.write("%s\n" % command)
860 def _mount_wrapper(self, rootdir):
861 if 'freebsd' in os.sys.platform:
862 self.runcmd(['mount', 'dev', '-t', 'devfs',
863 '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'dev')])
864 self.runcmd(['mount', 'proc', '-t', 'linprocfs',
865 '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'proc')])
866 self.runcmd(['mount', 'sys', '-t', 'linsysfs',
867 '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'sys')])
868 else:
869 self.runcmd(['mount', '/dev', '-t', 'devfs', '-obind',
870 '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'dev')])
871 self.runcmd(['mount', '/proc', '-t', 'proc', '-obind',
872 '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'proc')])
873 self.runcmd(['mount', '/sys', '-t', 'sysfs', '-obind',
874 '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'sys')])
876 def _umount_wrapper(self, rootdir):
877 self.runcmd(['umount', os.path.join(rootdir, 'sys')])
878 self.runcmd(['umount', os.path.join(rootdir, 'proc')])
879 self.runcmd(['umount', os.path.join(rootdir, 'dev')])
881 def install_grub_uefi(self, rootdir):
882 self.message("Configuring grub-uefi")
883 target = self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['target']
884 grub_opts = "--target=%s" % target
885 logging.debug("Running grub-install with options: %s", grub_opts)
886 self._mount_wrapper(rootdir)
887 try:
888 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'update-grub'])
889 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub-install', grub_opts])
890 except cliapp.AppException as exc:
891 logging.warning(exc)
892 self.message(
893 "Failed to configure grub-uefi for %s" %
894 self.settings['arch'])
895 self._umount_wrapper(rootdir)
896 self.configure_efi()
897 extra = str(self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['extra'])
898 if extra:
899 target = self.efi_arch_table[extra]['target']
900 grub_opts = "--target=%s" % target
901 try:
902 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'update-grub'])
903 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub-install', grub_opts])
904 except cliapp.AppException as exc:
905 logging.warning(exc)
906 self.message(
907 "Failed to configure grub-uefi for %s" % extra)
908 self.configure_extra_efi()
909 self._umount_wrapper(rootdir)
911 def install_grub2(self, rootdev, rootdir):
912 self.message("Configuring grub2")
913 # rely on kpartx using consistent naming to map loop0p1 to loop0
914 grub_opts = os.path.join('/dev', os.path.basename(rootdev)[:-2])
915 if self.settings['serial-console']:
916 self._grub_serial_console(rootdir)
917 logging.debug("Running grub-install with options: %s", grub_opts)
918 self._mount_wrapper(rootdir)
919 try:
920 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'update-grub'])
921 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub-install', grub_opts])
922 except cliapp.AppException as exc:
923 logging.warning(exc)
924 self.message("Failed. Is grub2-common installed? Using extlinux.")
925 self.install_extlinux(rootdev, rootdir)
926 self._umount_wrapper(rootdir)
928 def install_extlinux(self, rootdev, rootdir):
929 if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/extlinux"):
930 self.message("extlinux not installed, skipping.")
931 return
932 self.message('Installing extlinux')
934 def find(pattern):
935 dirname = os.path.join(rootdir, 'boot')
936 basenames = os.listdir(dirname)
937 logging.debug('find: %s', basenames)
938 for basename in basenames:
939 if re.search(pattern, basename):
940 return os.path.join('boot', basename)
941 raise cliapp.AppException('Cannot find match: %s' % pattern)
943 try:
944 kernel_image = find('vmlinuz-.*')
945 initrd_image = find('initrd.img-.*')
946 except cliapp.AppException as e:
947 self.message("Unable to find kernel. Not installing extlinux.")
948 logging.debug("No kernel found. %s. Skipping install of extlinux.", e)
949 return
951 out = self.runcmd(['blkid', '-c', '/dev/null', '-o', 'value',
952 '-s', 'UUID', rootdev])
953 uuid = out.splitlines()[0].strip()
955 conf = os.path.join(rootdir, 'extlinux.conf')
956 logging.debug('configure extlinux %s', conf)
957 kserial = 'console=ttyS0,115200' if self.settings['serial-console'] else ''
958 extserial = 'serial 0 115200' if self.settings['serial-console'] else ''
959 msg = '''
960 default linux
961 timeout 1
963 label linux
964 kernel %(kernel)s
965 append initrd=%(initrd)s root=UUID=%(uuid)s ro %(kserial)s
966 %(extserial)s
967 ''' % {
968 'kernel': kernel_image, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
969 'initrd': initrd_image, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
970 'uuid': uuid, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
971 'kserial': kserial, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
972 'extserial': extserial, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
973 } # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
974 logging.debug("extlinux config:\n%s", msg)
976 # python multiline string substitution is just ugly.
977 # use an external file or live with the mangling, no point in
978 # mangling the string to remove spaces just to keep it pretty in source.
979 f = open(conf, 'w')
980 f.write(msg)
982 self.runcmd(['extlinux', '--install', rootdir])
983 self.runcmd(['sync'])
984 time.sleep(2)
986 def optimize_image(self, rootdir):
987 """
988 Filing up the image with zeros will increase its compression rate
989 """
990 if not self.settings['sparse']:
991 zeros = os.path.join(rootdir, 'ZEROS')
992 self.runcmd_unchecked(['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of=' + zeros, 'bs=1M'])
993 self.runcmd(['rm', '-f', zeros])
995 def squash(self):
996 """
997 Run squashfs on the image.
998 """
999 if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/mksquashfs'):
1000 logging.warning("Squash selected but mksquashfs not found!")
1001 return
1002 logging.debug(
1003 "%s usage: %s", self.settings['image'],
1004 self.runcmd(['du', self.settings['image']]))
1005 self.message("Running mksquashfs")
1006 suffixed = "%s.squashfs" % self.settings['image']
1007 if os.path.exists(suffixed):
1008 os.unlink(suffixed)
1009 msg = self.runcmd(
1010 ['mksquashfs', self.settings['image'],
1011 suffixed,
1012 '-no-progress', '-comp', 'xz'], ignore_fail=False)
1013 logging.debug(msg)
1014 check_size = os.path.getsize(suffixed)
1015 if check_size < (1024 * 1024):
1016 logging.warning(
1017 "%s appears to be too small! %s bytes",
1018 suffixed, check_size)
1019 else:
1020 logging.debug("squashed size: %s", check_size)
1021 os.unlink(self.settings['image'])
1022 self.settings['image'] = suffixed
1023 logging.debug(
1024 "%s usage: %s", self.settings['image'],
1025 self.runcmd(['du', self.settings['image']]))
1027 def cleanup_system(self):
1028 # Clean up after any errors.
1030 self.message('Cleaning up')
1032 # Umount in the reverse mount order
1033 if self.settings['image']:
1034 for i in range(len(self.mount_points) - 1, -1, -1):
1035 mount_point = self.mount_points[i]
1036 try:
1037 self.runcmd(['umount', mount_point], ignore_fail=False)
1038 except cliapp.AppException:
1039 logging.debug("umount failed, sleeping and trying again")
1040 time.sleep(5)
1041 self.runcmd(['umount', mount_point], ignore_fail=False)
1043 if 'freebsd' in os.sys.platform:
1044 out = self.runcmd(['mdconfig', '-l', '-f', self.settings['image']])
1045 for devid in out.split():
1046 self.runcmd(['mdconfig', '-d', '-u', devid],
1047 ignore_fail=True)
1048 else:
1049 self.runcmd(['kpartx', '-d', self.settings['image']], ignore_fail=True)
1051 for dirname in self.remove_dirs:
1052 shutil.rmtree(dirname)
1054 def customize(self, rootdir):
1055 script = self.settings['customize']
1056 if not script:
1057 return
1058 if not os.path.exists(script):
1059 example = os.path.join("/usr/share/vmdebootstrap/examples/", script)
1060 if not os.path.exists(example):
1061 self.message("Unable to find %s" % script)
1062 return
1063 script = example
1064 self.message('Running customize script %s' % script)
1065 logging.info("rootdir=%s image=%s", rootdir, self.settings['image'])
1066 logging.debug(
1067 "%s usage: %s", self.settings['image'],
1068 self.runcmd(['du', self.settings['image']]))
1069 try:
1070 with open('/dev/tty', 'w') as tty:
1071 cliapp.runcmd([script, rootdir, self.settings['image']], stdout=tty, stderr=tty)
1072 except IOError:
1073 logging.debug('tty unavailable, trying in headless mode.')
1074 subprocess.call([script, rootdir, self.settings['image']])
1076 def create_tarball(self, rootdir):
1077 # Create a tarball of the disk's contents
1078 # shell out to runcmd since it more easily handles rootdir
1079 self.message('Creating tarball of disk contents')
1080 self.runcmd(['tar', '-cf', self.settings['tarball'], '-C', rootdir, '.'])
1082 def chown(self):
1083 # Change image owner after completed build
1084 if self.settings['image']:
1085 filename = self.settings['image']
1086 elif self.settings['tarball']:
1087 filename = self.settings['tarball']
1088 else:
1089 return
1090 self.message("Changing owner to %s" % self.settings["owner"])
1091 subprocess.call(["chown", self.settings["owner"], filename])
1093 def list_installed_pkgs(self, rootdir):
1094 # output the list of installed packages for sources identification
1095 self.message("Creating a list of installed binary package names")
1096 out = self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir,
1097 'dpkg-query', '-W', "-f='${Package}.deb\n'"])
1098 with open('dpkg.list', 'w') as dpkg:
1099 dpkg.write(out)
1101 def configure_apt(self, rootdir):
1102 # use the distribution and mirror to create an apt source
1103 self.message("Configuring apt to use distribution and mirror")
1104 conf = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'apt', 'sources.list.d', 'base.list')
1105 logging.debug('configure apt %s', conf)
1106 mirror = self.settings['mirror']
1107 if self.settings['apt-mirror']:
1108 mirror = self.settings['apt-mirror']
1109 self.message("Setting apt mirror to %s" % mirror)
1110 os.unlink(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'apt', 'sources.list'))
1111 f = open(conf, 'w')
1112 line = 'deb %s %s main\n' % (mirror, self.settings['distribution'])
1113 f.write(line)
1114 line = '#deb-src %s %s main\n' % (mirror, self.settings['distribution'])
1115 f.write(line)
1116 f.close()
1117 # ensure the apt sources have valid lists
1118 self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'apt-get', '-qq', 'update'])
1120 if __name__ == '__main__':
1121 VmDebootstrap(version=__version__).run()